, Saturday, 22-February



About the department

The Department of Law and International Relations is a specialized department of the Faculty of History, Law and International Relations and is engaged in the formation of legal and political consciousness, high legal and political knowledge, strengthening national unity, improving the foundations of civil society, respect for cultural, literary and historical values, representing the interests of a new statehood, makes a great contribution to the education of self-consciousness and piety of young people.

The Department of Law and International Relations works in two scientific directions, two problems: “The Republic of Tajikistan in the system of international relations”, “Legal foundations for the formation of national statehood during the period of independence”.

  1. Problem: theoretical and practical aspects of the formation of the foreign policy of the Republic of Tajikistan
  2. Problem: Legal foundations of the banking system of the Republic of Tajikistan in modern times.

History of the department

From 12/04/2018 No. 234, the Department of Law and International Relations was separated from the Department of History, Law and International Relations of the Faculty of History, Law and International Relations and became independent. The head of the department of law and international relations was appointed candidate of political sciences, associate professor Murodova Gulchehra.

There are three specialties at the department - public administration and law, international relations, history and law. Faculty members teach 54 academic subjects over two semesters at undergraduate and graduate levels.

The most important task of the teachers of the department is to educate a conscious and patriotic personality, with high civic responsibility, with modern knowledge and worldview and the ability to analyze the complex processes of the modern world.

Composition of the department

Муродова Г

 Murodova Gulchekhra Ruziboevna
 Candidate of Political Sciences, docent, Head of the Department of Law and International Relations



Раҳмон Д.
 Rahmon Dilshod Safarbek
  Doctor of Law Sciences, Professor


Ҳусайнзода А

Khuseynzoda Aminjon Burikhon
Candidate of Political Sciences, Senior Lecturer

Пирназаров Э
 Pirnazarov Emomnazar
  Candidate of Political Sciences, docent

Мазарифов М
  Mazarifov Manuchehr
  Candidate of Law Sciences, Senior Lecturer

Назаров Б


Nazarov Bakhtiyor 
Senior Lecturer

Суфиев С
 Sufiev Sadriddin
 Senior Lecturer

Исозода П
 Isosoda Parviz
 Senior Lecturer

Комилов Н

 Komilov Nasim
 Senior Lecturer

Раҳмонов З
 Rakhmonov Zafar
 Department Assistant

Бойматов У
 Boymatov Umedjon
 Department Assistant

Қурбонова З
 Kurbonova Zarina
 Department Assistant

Каримова З

Karimova Zarnigor 
Department Assistant



Меҳрангез Ю

 Mehrangez Yusufi 
 Department Assistant

Раҷабова З


Radjabova Zebogul
Head of the Cabinet


Club Activities

There are 2 circles at the department, a circle called "Lawyer" and "Diplomat", according to the plan, circles are held once a month. The circles attract students who are interested in jurisprudence and international relations. Scientific topics heard by students are proposed by scientific supervisors and cover current topics of our time.

There are 18 members in the "Lawyer" circle, the head of the circle is Zardakov Abdurasul.

The Diplomat circle was formed in September 2022 and consists of 26 people. The head of the circle is Safarov Khakimsho.

The work plan of the circles has been approved and they are at a good level. The activities of the circles are constantly published on the Facebook website. The documentation of circles is well established.

The purpose of the circles is to find in the minds of students a deep understanding of the legal sciences and its individual areas; education of students in the spirit of national identity, increasing the sense of responsibility in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Tajikistan; a deep understanding of the laws and legal norms that directly contribute to the life, freedom and duties of man and citizen.

It should be noted that the result of the good work of the circle "Lawyer" was that a member of the circle Surayoi Faizimad, a 3rd year student of history and law, took part in the republican competition for the title "The best expert on the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan" on November 22, 2022 at the SFEU and took second place.

A scientific and methodological seminar is held at the department, the scientific supervisor of the seminar is Ph.D., associate professor Murodova G.

The scientific and methodological seminar works according to the work plan of the seminar, approved by the Department of Science and Innovation.

This seminar is held once a month on Monday - the day of the department. All teachers and applicants of the department take part in the seminar, and current issues of the day will be analyzed and discussed, including reports from research works of teachers and graduate students.

The activities of the seminar are constantly published on Facebook.

Achievements of the department

Murodova G.R., Sharipov A.N., Komilov N.I. Modern international relations. Tutorial. - Dushanbe, "MATBAA", 2022, 108 p.



Murodova G.R., Mekhrangez Yu., Safarov H.A. Cultural diplomacy. Tutorial. Dushanbe, "MATBAA", 2022, 192 p.


3Abdulloev M.Kh., Azamov Kh.S., Alloeva Kh.Kh. The book "Terms and development of education in Tajikistan during the years of state independence".


Abdulloev M.Kh. Book. "Education of the people of Tajikistan".


Azamov H.S., Murodova G.R., Saidaliev D. Book. “Political conflicts: technology of control, management and resolution”


Kholmurodova M. Book. "History of National Reconciliation of Tajiks in the Civil War (1991-2001)". Dushanbe.



Murodova G. R. Monograph. "Political parties in a changing society (the experience of Tajikistan)".



Faizov Nekruz. "Scientific and cultural relations between the Republic of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation in the years of independence."




Address: Kulob, KSU named after A. Rudaki, building of the Faculty of History, Law and International Relations, 1st floor
Work phone: (+992) 918-93-08-77
E-mail: k-tarikh.huquq@kgu.tj