, Friday, 28-March

FACULTIES» History, law and international relations



The Faculty of History, Law and International Relations is the same age as the university and began its activity in 1945-1946 on the basis of the Faculty of Language and Literature. Since 2014, the faculty has received the name of history, law and international relations.

The teaching staff of the faculty, consisting of 68 people, including 2 doctors of sciences, 9 associate professors, 3 candidates of sciences of senior teachers, 16 senior teachers, 33 assistants and 5 technical workers, tried to contribute to the fulfillment of the task. a very important duty is the upbringing and education of the younger generation, which is considered the future of the state and nation.

Currently, the faculty has 44 study groups (29 full-time groups and 15 distance learning groups). The faculty has a conference hall, 6 classrooms equipped with an electronic board and a projector, 1 language class and 1 computer class for 30 computers. It should be said that the course of study at the full-time and part-time departments is based on a credit system.

The Faculty of History, Law and International Relations has 4 departments:

Law and international relations

The Department of Law and International Relations is one of the specialized departments of the faculty, and today the head of the department is Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor Murodova Gulchehra.

History and methods of teaching history

The Department of History and Methods of Teaching History is one of the specialized departments of the faculty, and today the head of the department is the candidate of historical sciences Kholmurodzoda Mehfruz Buri.

History of the Tajik people

Today, the department of the history of the Tajik people is headed by senior lecturer Sufiev Sadriddin Nasriddinovich.

Political science

To date, the head of the Department of Political Science is Senior Associate Professor Pirnazarov Emomnazar.

There are 5 circles at the faculty:

  1. The club "Historian" has 23 people from the Faculty of History, Law and international relations
  2. The Lawyer Club has 20 members from the Faculty of History, Law and international relations
  3. The club "Diplomacy" has 20 members from the Faculty of History, Law and international relations
  4. The Bostonshinos Club has 25 members from the Faculty of History, Law and international relations
  5. The Political World Club has 22 members from the Faculty of History, Law international relations

At the moment, the faculty trains personnel in the following specialties for full-time, part-time education, undergraduates and doctoral students in the following specialties:

  1. History: 1-02 01 01 full-time and part-time education
  2. History. Right: 1-02 01 02 full-time and part-time education
  3. International relations: 1-230101 full-time and part-time education
  4. History. Religious studies 1-02 01 02 05 full-time and part-time forms of education
  5. History. History of religion 1-02 01 02 05 full-time and part-time forms of education
  6. State Legal Bureau 1-26 01 02 full-time and part-time education
  7. Politics and public administration 1-23 01 06 01 03 full-time and part-time education


The current specializations of the faculty are history, law and international relations, modern specializations. It should be said that the course of study for full-time and distance learning is based on a credit system.


In the specialty "History" students are admitted to the faculty in full-time and part-time forms of education. Graduates of this specialty can work as history teachers in institutions of general secondary education and higher educational institutions. Currently, students are studying in this specialty in full-time and distance learning.


The specialization "History-Jurisprudence" at the faculty is taught in full-time and part-time forms of education. Graduates of this specialty can work as teachers of history and law in institutions of general secondary education, higher educational institutions and government bodies. Currently, students are studying in this specialty in full-time and distance learning.

History. Religion

Specialization "History. "Religious studies" at the faculty of full-time education is included in the education of students. Graduates of this specialty can work as teachers of history and religious studies in institutions of general secondary education, higher educational institutions and employees of executive authorities. Currently, students are studying in this specialty on a full-time basis.

History. History of religion

Specialization "History. "Religious studies" at the faculty of full-time education is included in the education of students. Graduates of this specialty can work as teachers of history and religious studies in general education secondary schools, higher education institutions, employees of executive authorities. Currently, students are studying in this specialty on a full-time basis.

International relationships

The specialization "International Relations" at the faculty is included in the daily curriculum of students. Graduates of this specialty can work in everyday areas of the country (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, translators, local governments). Currently, students are studying in this specialty on a full-time basis.

Office of State and Law

The specialty "Public administration and law" is taught at the faculty on a full-time basis. Graduates of this specialty can work in everyday areas of the country (universities, authorities, local governments). Currently, students are studying in this specialty on a full-time basis.

Politics and public administration

In the specialty "Politics and Public Administration" students are taught at the faculty at the full-time department. Graduates of this specialty can work in everyday areas of the country (universities, executive authorities). Currently, students are studying in this specialty on a full-time basis.


The Faculty of History, Law and International Relations is the same age as the university and began its activity in 1945-1946 on the basis of the Faculty of Language and Literature. At the end of 1947, the Department of History was transformed into the Faculty of History, which accepted students into three study groups, two groups in the Tajik and Russian languages, and one group in the correspondence department, where the first teachers were Bozor Sharifzoda, H.B. Baghirov, Ashraf Siddikov taught. In 1947, he was the first to award 15 of his students an incomplete higher diploma in the field of historical sciences. The faculty with full-time and part-time education was established in November 1953. From May 1960 to July 27, 1962, DDOK became a branch of the DDO in Dushanbe, the Faculty of History was graduated in the amount of 60 people, whose activities were discontinued. During the formation of the independent state of Tajikistan, in the 1992-1993 academic year, on the basis of the Faculty of History and Philology of the Tajik language, the Department of History was recreated, headed by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Saijafarov Shokhvali. In the first year of creation, i.e. in the 1992-1993 academic year, 32 students entered the Faculty of History, in 1993-1995. - 114 students.

In 1995, a correspondence department was opened at the faculty, and in the same year 28 applicants were accepted. In 1997, for the first time, 22 full-time students of the Faculty of History successfully graduated in this specialty.

From 1993 to 2000, she worked as part of the Faculty of Tajik Language and Literature. On January 20, 2001, the Department of History was separated from the specialty of Tajik Philology and formed into an independent faculty called History and Law. In 2014, the faculty received the title of history, law and international relations.

For many years, the strengthening and teaching of the teaching staff was led by qualified teachers, associate professor Dosti Sharifov, associate professor Yunusov S.S., professor Abdulloev M.Kh., associate professor Azamov Kh.S., n.i.t. Bokiev R.U. political scientist Pirnazarov E. A., senior lecturer Safarov Kh. Kh. associate professor Muradova G.

At the same time, in the education and upbringing of the younger generation and the training of specialists under the guidance of a gentle and professional person, the dean of the faculty N.I.S., associate professor Khusainzoda A.B., D.I.S., associate professor Nazarov P.S., N .THEM. , senior teacher Mazarifov M., head teacher Safarov H.Kh., Sufiev S., Nazarov B., Saidaliev R.A., Sangov A., Komilov N. Karimzoda I., Nekruzi M., Isufov Sh. and other teachers contribute your valuable contribution.

In addition to educational and social work, the contribution of scientists and teachers Abdulloev M.Kh., Yunusov S.S., Azamov Kh.S., Khusainzoda A.B., Muradova G. in writing and creating articles and scientific and methodological works was noted. Nazarzoda P.S., Muradov T., Nazarov B.Kh. and other teachers and staff.




Ҳусайнзода А

 Phone: (+992 83322) 2-36-54
 E-mail: tarikh.huquq@kgu.tj




Некрузи М

 Deputy Dean for Education 





Каримзода И

 Deputy Dean for educational work 


Комилов Н

 Associate Dean for Distance Learning






Розиқова З




Name and surname



Khusainzoda A.B.

-associate professor, dean of the faculty, chairman;


Muradova G.

-candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, head of the department of law and international relations


Sufiev S.

-Head of the Department of History of the Tajik people


Kholmurodzoda M.

-Ph.D. Head of the Department of History and Methods of Teaching History


Pirnazarov E.

-Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Political Science


Abdulloev M.

-Doctor of History Professor of the Department of History of the Tajik people


Azamov H.

-PhD in History, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science


Yunusov S.

-Candidate of History, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Methods of Teaching History


Muradov T.

-candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of history, law and international relations


Nazarov P.

-Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of History and Methods of Teaching History


Bokiev R.

-Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of the History of the Tajik people


Mazarifov M.

-PhD in Law, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Law and International Relations


Nekruz M.

-Deputy Dean for full-time education, assistant political scientist


Komilov N.

-Deputy Dean for correspondence courses, senior lecturer of the Department of Law and International Relations


Karimzoda I.

-Deputy Dean for Educational Work, Assistant of the Department of History and Methods of Teaching History


Nosirov Kh.

-Senior Lecturer of the Department of History and Methods of Teaching History


Safarov H.

-Senior Lecturer of the Department of History of the Tajik People


Saidaliev R.

-Senior Lecturer of the Department of History and Methods of Teaching History


Isufov Sh.

-Senior Lecturer of the Department of History of the Tajik People


Fayzov R.

-Senior Lecturer of the Department of Political Science


Surayo Faizimad, 3rd year student of the specialty history and law, for active participation in public events, exemplary education, representation of the university among higher educational institutions - taking 2nd place in the republican competition "The best expert on the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan". On November 22, 2022, the award ceremony was held at the State University of Finance and Economics of Tajikistan.


CERTIFICATE - awarded to the team of the Faculty of History, Law and International Relations for taking first place in the sports competition "Volleyball", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the 16th session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan and the day of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

3CERTIFICATE - the team of the Faculty of History, Law and International Relations for taking the first place in the sports competition in the form of "small football" between students of the Kulyab State University named after Abu Abdullah Rudaki, dedicated to the international holiday Novruz in the city, was awarded the Order "Rector's Cup" (11- March 14, 2022).

4 Nematov Sadriddin, 5th year student of the Faculty of History, Law and the Ministry of Defense, specializing in history, law, was awarded a III degree Diploma in the Republican Olympiad for the "Cup of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan" (2018).




HONORARY CERTIFICATE - awarded to professors, teachers and students of the Faculty of History, Law and International Relations for active participation in the scientific and theoretical conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of National Unity and the Year of Youth.

6HONORARY CERTIFICATE- awarded to the Faculty of History, Law and International Relations for the 2nd place in the competition "Best Article" and for a valuable contribution to the development of the newspaper "Anvori Donish" and the publication of the best articles.

7GRATITUDE - the Oreno team of the Faculty of History, Law and International Relations was awarded for active participation in the university-wide competition "Mahfil Zarifon-2017", dedicated to the "Year of Youth".

8HONORARY CERTIFICATE - the Faculty of History, Law and International Relations was awarded for active participation and taking 2nd place in the university-wide competition "Priceless Craft", dedicated to the "Year of Development of Tourism and Folk Crafts" and the celebration of the international holiday "Novruz".

9HONORARY CERTIFICATE - awarded to the Faculty of History, Law and International Relations for active participation and taking 3rd place in the competition of folk crafts dedicated to the celebration of "International Nowruz" and "Year of development of tourism and folk crafts"

Address: Kulob, 1 May street
Work phone: (+992 83322) 2-36-54
E-mail: tarikh.huquq@kgu.tj

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