, Friday, 28-March


Анвори дониш

ANVORI DONISH - a newspaper published by the Kulob State University named after Abuabdullohi Rudaki, published since September 1, 1994. The newspaper was founded on the initiative and with the support of the then rector of the university, academic S.K. Karimov. Registered with the Ministry of Press and Information of the Republic of Tajikistan (now the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tajikistan ) under the number 285 dated March 14, 1994, and the first issue was published on September 1, 1994. The goals and objectives of the newspaper in its program and charter are: popularization of science and education, coverage of important events in the economic and social life of the university, strengthening friendship between young people of different nationalities, protecting the interests of the Constitutional Government of Tajikistan and popularizing the achievements of world science. In the early years, Anvori donish was published once a week, 2 pages in A3 format, with a circulation of up to 200-300 copies. From year to year the content of articles and issues of the newspaper improved, the number of its authors and readers increased. The pages of the newspaper were also increased to 4 and the circulation to 800 copies. From 2008 to 2006, the volume of newspaper pages reached 12 pages, and since September 1, 2016, the newspaper has been published with a volume of 16 pages. In the first years of its creation, the university administration paid special attention to the newspaper, gave instructions and advice on improving the content of each issue, and provided practical assistance. In particular, academician Karimov S.K., professors Ibodov M.O., Gulomov I., Akbarov R., Saidov R., associate professors Azamov H., Saidzhafarov Sh., Sharifov D., Mirzoev G., Rasulov D., Abdulvakhidov S., M. Nabiev, G. Ibrokhimov, S. Gaforov, N. Valiev, A. Aliyev, T. Mustafokulov constantly contribute to making the newspaper interesting. The focus of the newspaper is the reflection of the wise policy of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, the fulfillment of the instructions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tajikistan, heads of districts and cities, as well as the leadership of the university management. In addition, each issue publishes informative news and articles about the course of education, ways to improve the quality of education, the everyday life of the university, the pace of training camps and scientific, cultural, sports events of the university and the republic. Anvor Donish educates young people in the spirit of progressive democratic ideas and provides great assistance in their development and education. The newspaper promotes the spirit of friendship, solidarity and mutual understanding, plays an important role in the development and strengthening of national unity, the observance of traditions, customs and national holidays and rituals of the Tajik people among young people. Young people with a penchant for creative speech and poetry publish their newly written works in the Anvori Donish newspaper. A number of poets and writers of the university honed their poetic skills in the newspaper Anvori Donish. 7 teachers of the university worked as editors at Anvori donish: Doctor of Philology, Professor Alamkhon Kucharov (1994-1996), Candidate of Philology Nuriddin Nasimi (1996-1998), Candidate of Philology Ahmad Aliyev (1998-2002), journalist Aslon Islomov (2002-2008), candidate of philological sciences Sharofat Khudoydodova (2008-2009), senior teacher of the Department of Journalism, member of the Union of Journalists of Tajikistan Bakhtiyor Safarov (2009-2016) and since September 1, 2016 candidate of philological sciences, member of the Union of Journalists of Tajikistan Jahongir Temursho. Currently, Anvory donish employs an editor, an executive secretary, a typist, a page editor and an accountant. "Anvori donish" is one of the favorite publications of teachers and students of the Kulob State University named after Abuabdullohi Rudaki.

Address: Kulob city, st. S. Safarova 16, KSU named after. A. Rudaki, "Anvori donish" newspaper
Work phone: (+992 83322) 3 31 15, (+992) 981 00 02 19
E-mail: anvor.donish@kgu.tj