, Friday, 28-March

FACULTIES» Financial and economic


The Faculty of Finance and Economics of Kulob State University named after Abuabdullah Rudaki was established on the basis of the former Faculty of Economics of the University by the order of the rector of the university dated 06.04.2014, No. 57. The faculty, as a provider of science and knowledge, plays a significant role in training highly qualified personnel in various areas of the national economy.

In the financial and economic faculty in the 2022-2023 academic year - 53 people (11 people from the department of accounting and auditing, 18 people from the department of economic theory, 23 people from the department of finance and credit, 1 person from the dean of the faculty), 13 of whom are teachers. has a degree and scientific title, including 2 doctors of economic sciences, professor (external associate), 5 candidates of science, associate professor (external associate), 6 candidates of economic sciences, associate professor (main employee), 15 senior teachers , 25 assistants, of which 3 work as colleagues and 3 are technical staff.

Education. The faculty prepares specialists in the field of economics according to the following specialties at three levels of education: bachelor's degree (full-time, part-time), master's degree and PhD.

  1. 1-250103 - World economy (Tajik, English)
  2. 1-250111 – Audit and revision
  3. 1-250104 - Finance and credit (Tajik, Russian)
  4. 1-25010402 - Banking work
  5. 1-25010403 - Tax and taxation
  6. 1-25010803 - accounting, analysis and audit in budgetary and scientific institutions
  7. 6D050800 – accounting and budgetary.

It is worth noting that the cooperation relations of the faculty with the faculties of the National University of Tajikistan, the State University of Finance and Economics of Tajikistan, the State University of Commerce of Tajikistan, the State University of Bokhtar named after N. Khusrav, State Technical University of Tajikistan named after M.Osimi and others Schools of higher vocational education of the republic and abroad have been effectively established in educational, and scientific directions.

The faculty has established a mechanism for improving the atmosphere of cooperation for the development of students' professional skills with the accounting departments of organizations, regional and national banking and financial institutions.

Currently, the total number of students in 2022-2023 in the Faculty of Finance and Economics in full-time, distance education, master's degree and PhD studies is 831 people, of which 620 people are in full-time education, 205 people are in distance education, 6 a person corresponds to the magistracy.

Leadership. From the beginning of its establishment (in 1992), the following teachers have worked as deans of the faculty:

  1. Sharipov Z.S. – Doctor of economic sciences docent (years 1992-1996);
  2. Qurbonaliev Candidate of economic sciences., docent years 1996-2003);
  3. Konkova A Candidate of economic sciences., docent (years 2003-2006);
  4. Rasulov N Candidate of economic sciences., docent (years 2006-2009, 2011-2013);
  5. Yunusov S Юнусов С.С. - Candidate of political sciences pedagogical  docent (years 2009-2010);
  6. Nazarov P.S - Candidate of political sciences docent (years 2010-2011);
  7. Kuganov N. K – Candidate of economic sciences., docent (years 2013-2014, 09.2019-01.2020);
  8. Mirsaidov M.N – Candidate of economic sciences., docent (years 2014-2016, 2017-2018);
  9. Amirov F,  Shafiev B - (years 2016);

Currently, since November 2018, the position of dean of the faculty has been held by a candidate of economic sciences, docent Kajkuloev Abdukholiq Fathuloevich. The positions of deputy dean are Davlatov Gulahmad - for full-time education, Safarov Zulfiqor - for part-time education, and Teshaev Mirzosharif - for education.

Chairman of the trade union of teachers - Safarov Amirali, senior teacher, Chairman of the Council of Women and Girls of the Faculty - Vazirzoda Dilorom, senior teacher.

The faculty has three departments with 6 specialties


The department of accounting and auditing was established in 2022. The number of professors and teachers of the department is 11 people. The position of the head of the department is held by associate professor Kuganov Nematullo. The department prepares business specialists according to specialties 1-25010803 - accounting, analysis and audit in budgetary and scientific institutions, 6D050800 - accounting and 1-250111 - audit and revision.


The Department of Economic Theory was established in 1992. The number of professors and teachers of the department is 18 people. Senior teacher Safarov Azam is the head of the department. The department prepares business specialists according to specialties 1-250103 – world economy (Tajik, English).


The Department of Finance and Credit was established in 2014 on the basis of the newly established Faculty of Finance and Economics. The number of professors and teachers of the department is 23 people. Associate professor Komilov Nizamuddin is the head of the department. The department prepares business specialists according to specialties 1-250104 - finance and credit (Tajik, Russian), 1-25010402 - banking and 1-25010403 - tax and taxation.

There are 7 classrooms (1 hall) with electronic boards and 1 computer classroom connected to the Internet in the Faculty of Finance and Economics.


Faculty with the initiative and efforts of respected teachers Academician Karimov S. (former rector of the university), Sharif Z.S., doctor of economic sciences, professor; Fazliddinov S., doctor of technical sciences, professor; candidates of economics Sharifov F.N., Konkova A.A., Qurbanaliev B.K., Jalilov S., Latipov M., Boboev F., Salimov Sh., Bobohujaev S., Gulomnabiev K., Ivazov A., who were involved from various fields of the national economy, it was established as an independent organization in August 1992.

The basis of the faculty in the year of its establishment was the department of economic theory, which at that time had 8 teachers. Among them were 4 candidates of science, 2 senior teachers and 2 assistants. In 1994, on the basis of the department of economic theory, 2 specialized departments were established: the department of accounting and analysis of economic activity (the head of the department is associate professor O. Juraev) and the department of planning and foresight (the head of the department is associate professor N.S. Rasulov). From 12 to 16 teachers worked in these departments in different years. As a result of the change in the nomenclature of the training of specialists in 1998, the departments of the faculty were transformed into the department of accounting and auditing (the head of the department is associate professor Juraev O.) and the management department (the head of the department is associate professor N.S. Rasulov). It is worth mentioning that in the same year, the department of economic geography was opened in the department of management, which began to train specialists for teaching geography in secondary schools. For the first time in 2003, 18 students graduated from this department with the specialty of geography teacher.




Каҷкулоев  А

Dean candidate of economic sciences, docent
  Тел: (+992 83322) 2-36-64

Давлатов Г

Deputy Dean for academic affairs




 Тешаев М

Deputy Dean for education




Шарипов Н






 Name and surname



Fathullozoda A.F.

candidate of economic sciences, docent dean of faculty, chairman


Komilov N.

candidate of economic sciences docent head of department finance and credit;


Nurov B.

assistant of the department of accounting and auditing, secretary;


Kuganov N.

candidate of economic sciences docent head of department of accounting and auditing, deputy chairman;


Safarov A.

candidate of economic sciences senior teacher, head of department theory of economic


Mirsaidov M.

candidate of economic sciences, docent department theory of economic


Ibrolhimzoda О.

Senior teacher department of accounting and auditing


Safarov A.

senior teacher of the department of accounting and auditing, head of the trade union of teachers of the faculty;


Safarov Z.

senior teacher of the department of finance and credit, deputy dean for education;


Davlatov G.

senior teacher of the department of accounting and auditing, Deputy Dean for academic affairs


Kholmadov B.

Senior teacher department of finance and credit


Teshaev M.

senior teacher of the department of finance and credit, deputy dean for  correspondence education


Vazirzoda D.

Senior teacher  of the department of finance and Credit, head of the Council of Women and Girls of the Faculty;


Sharipov N

assistant of the finance and credit department, faculty regulator;


Kholiqzoda A.

senior teacher of the department of Finance and Credit.



On 17.03.2020, in order to participate in the festivities of the international Nowruz holiday, which was held at the university level, the teaching staff and students of the Faculty of Finance and Economics won the FIRST PLACE in the contest of folk crafts and decoration of the Novruz holiday, and were awarded with the "CERTIFICATE OF COURSE" of the university.

2CERTIFICATE OF THE UNIVERSITY TO THE HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC THEORY candidate of economic sciences docent Kuganov N.K. was awarded for many years of impeccable services in the field of education and making a suitable contribution to the education and upbringing of the young generation dedicated to the international Nowruz holiday on 17.03.2020.


On 26.11.2020 the dean of the faculty candidate of economic sciences docent Kajkuloev A.F. Awarded with the "Excellence of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan" for many years of impeccable services in the field of education, valuable contribution to the education and upbringing of the younger generation, training talented personnel and active participation in public life dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the establishment of Kulob State University named after Abuabdullah Rudaki

4On 26.11.2020, the teacher of the department of finance and credit, the head of the department of education of the university Gulov R. Awarded with the "Excellence of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan" for many years of impeccable services in the field of education, valuable contribution to the education and upbringing of the younger generation, training talented personnel and active participation in public life dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the establishment of Kulob State University named after Abuabdullah Rudaki

5 On 18.10.2020, a regional chess tournament was held in Kulob city to win the "Leader of the Nation's Cup", the assistant of the Department of Economic Theory Mohaira Jurakhan won the FIRST PLACE and a diploma and qualified for the national round.



On 26.11.2020, the head of the Department of Economic Theory candidate of economic sciences docent Kuganov N.K. On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of Kulob State University named after Abuabdullah Rudaki, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan was awarded the "CERTIFICATE OF HONOR".


MONOGRAPHY candidate of economic sciences docent, head of the department of finance and credit Komilov N.B. under the title: "Improvement of the mechanism of state regulation of the use of agricultural land resources" was published by the decision of the Scientific-Methodological Council of the KSU named after A. Rudaki dated 27.11.2020, No. 3-3/5.


8 BOOK Ismailzoda Muhammad Mustafa - first-year student, majoring in world economy, educational group 110 under the title: "MOTIVATIONAL STORIES OF THE LIFE" in English, edited by candidates of philological sciences, docent Khaliqzoda A. and Jurakulov A., and Rajabov Y was published in 2020.

Address:  Kulob city, str. S. Safarov 16, KSU named after A. Rudaki, educational building #5
Phone: (+992 83322) 2-36-64
E-mail: moliyavi.iqtisodi@kgu.tj

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