, Saturday, 22-February



About the department

The Department of Tajik Literature is an integral part of the structure of the University and the Faculty of Philology and Journalism and carries out educational, scientific and methodological work among students and teachers. In the 2022-2023 academic year, only 14 teachers and one laboratory assistant work at the Department of Tajik Literature, of which 8 are full-time, 3 are internal part-timers and 3 of which are external part-timers.

History of the Department of Tajik Literature

From the beginning of the activities of the Kulyab State University named after Abuabdullo Rudaki (1945) (at that time the Kulyab Pedagogical Institute), the Department of Tajik Literature carried out its activities together with the Department of the Tajik Language until 1967. At that time, the head of the department of the Tajik language and literature was the candidate of philological sciences Inoyat Khasanov. Since 1967, the departments have been divided into the department of the Tajik language and the department of Tajik literature.


Over the years, the department was headed by different talented leaders. Including:

from 1967 to 1969 - senior teacher, poet Shukri Ibrahim,

from 1969 to 1972 - teacher Abdulkhay Kalandar,

from 1972 to 1982 - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Barot Nozimov,

from 1982 to 1992 - candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Saijafarov Shovali,

from 1992 to 1997 - Ph.D. associate professor Chalishev S.,

from 1997 to 1999 – Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Ikromov Iskandar,

from 1999 to 2005 - Ph.D. associate professor Chalishev S. (repeatedly),

from 2005 to January 2007 - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Saijafarov (repeatedly),

from 2007 to 2012 - senior lecturer Abdulkhay Kalandarov

In 2009, on the basis of the faculty, a new specialty was created - journalism, which carried out its activities on the basis of the department of Tajik literature. Since 2012, the departments have been separated, and the department of Tajik literature has received its former name. In 2017, the departments were merged due to a lack of scientific personnel, and until 01/12/2022, the department trained specialists in these areas. By order of the rector of the university and the decision of the Academic Council of the Kulyab State University named after Abuabdullo Rudaki dated 01/12/2022, the departments were divided into - the department of Tajik literature and the department of journalism. On December 28, 2012, the head of the department was appointed candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Kholikova Zainalbi Kendzhaevna and has been working in this position to this day.

The composition of the department

Холиқова З

 Kholiqova Zaynalbi Kenjaevna
 Head of Department, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor


Содиқов Ё
 Sodikov Yorali
 Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor


Ашурова Н

 Ashurova Nodira Jumaevna 
 Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor



Одинаева Г

 Odinaeva Gulbonu Madalievna 
 candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer


Шамшоди Ҷ
 Shamshodi Jamshed
 candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer




Зулфиев Г 
 Zulfiev Gadomad
 Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor



Назиров М

 Nazirov Madali 
 senior lecturer


Мирзоева М

 Mirzoeva Mahtovbi
 senior lecturer



Валиева М

 Valieva Muborak
 laboratory assistant



Activities of clubs in the department

At the department of Tajik literature, there is a scientific and literary circle called "Literary critic" and a scientific and theoretical seminar.

The circle is headed by senior teacher Nazirov Madali. The club includes more than 35 creative and talented students. According to the plan, the club works once a month, the best examples of scientific articles, newly written poems and songs are discussed and discussed, and the best of them are published in the Anvori Donish and Navidi Kulob newspapers.

Also, once a month, according to the approved plan, a scientific and theoretical seminar of the department is held, at which teachers make presentations on their research work.

Achievements of the department

Over the past few years, the department has made significant progress. In 2021, two senior teachers of the department - Shamshodi Jamshed and Odinaeva G. defended their Ph.D. dissertations. In 2022, they received their Ph.D. In January 2022, associate professor Ashurova Nodira Dzhumaevna defended her doctoral dissertation and five months later received confirmation of the work from the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation. Also in 2022, a number of teachers were awarded diplomas and letters of thanks from the rector of the university

Address: Kulob, st. S. Safarov 16, KSU named after Abuabdullo Rudaki, administrative building, 5th floor, room No. 511
Work phone: (+992) 918 67 08 50
E-mail: k-adabiyot@kgu.tj