Sunday, 09-March
Information about the Department
The Department of Practicum of oral and written speech of Russian based on the Regulation of the Departments of Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan (decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan dated 13.04.2006, No. 8/4), Order of the Rector of Kulob State University named after Abuabdullo Rudaki, Professor Qodirov K. from 26.03.2010, #22 "On the main activity", because of large number of teaching hours, from 01.04.2010 was divided into two new Departments: The interuniversity Department of Russian language and the Department of
The staff of Department of Modern Russian Language teach the such disciplines as: Practice of oral and written speech of Russian, modern Russian language, lexicology, orthography, general linguistics, introduction to linguistics, stylistics, comparative typology and etc. The Department of modern Russian Language is developed for preparation of higher qualified specialists/teachers of Russian language.
The department of modern Russian language for the first time was developed in 1952. On the position of the head of the department worked the following persons: Associate Professor Takhokhov B.A., Senior Lecturer Ryabova L.V., Candidate of philological sciences Kovalskaya L.B., Seniorn lecturer Cabina M.G., Senior lecturer Azimov E.A., Senior lecturer Niyazov A.M., Senior lecturer Sharipov S.R., Senior lecturer Gafurova M.Kh., Senior lecturer Asoeva K.A., teacher Kamolova M.R., Candidate of pedagogical sciences Sharipova O.P., Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Rakhimova S.R., senior lecturer Saidamirova K.J. Currently, the department is headed by Candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor Asoeva K.A.
The first lecturers of the department were: Senior lecturer Mikhailichenko L.M., Senior lecturer Smirnova L.M., Senior lecturer Bondarenko P.A., Senior lecturer Molchanov P.S., Senior lecturer Reznik D.G., Senior lecturer Pchelnikov V.D. Senior lecturer Nikalaychuk V.M., associate professor Takhokhov B.A., Senior lecturer Kazeeva V.D., Senior lecturer Indyukov S.I., Senior lecturer Faizulloev B.F., Senior lecturer Kaverina E.V., Senior lecturer Khalyapina L.I., lecturer Sobko N.M., Senior lecturer Vasilchikova I.M., Senior lecturer Cabin M.G. Gafurova M.Kh., Fedyunina N.M., Senior lecturer Kadrulloev A.K., Candidate of philological sciences Niyozov A.M., Candidate of philological sciences, Senior lecturer Karimov M.A., Asoeva K.A., Kamolova M.R. and others.
Currently (2022-2023), 10 lecturers work at the department, 9 of which are full-time: 1 is internal part-time, 1 is a senior laboratory assistant.
Now in the Department of Modern Russian Language works: Candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor Asoeva K.A., Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor Sharipova O.P., Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor Giyoev A.Kh., Candidate of philological sciences Nurmatova Z.Sh., senior lecturers: Saidamirova K.J., Davlatova R.Kh., assistants: Nurmatov Y.E., Rakhmonova A.T., Yakubova S., Tolibova O.O. and senior laboratory assistant Nuralieva F.S.
Nurmatova Zarina Shermatovna
Candidate of philological sciences, Head of the Department.
Giyoev Abdunazar Khudoinazarovich
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor
Saidamirova Klara Jumaevna
Senior lecturer
Davlatova Ranokhon Hakimovna
Senior lecturer
Nurmatov Yokubkhon Ergashovich
Senior lecturer
Yakubova Sairambi Kamariddinovna
Tolibova Ozodamo
Aliev Dilshod
The activities of the circle at the department
At the Department of Modern Russian Language there is a circle "Russian Speech". The head of the circle is the senior teacher Saidamirova Klara Jumaevna . The members of the circle consist of 17 people. According to the plan, the circle is held once a month.
Acknowledgment of the Department of Work with Women and Family of the Executive Body of State Power in Khatlon region
Acknowledgment from the rector of Kulob State University named after A. Rudaki
Address: Kulob City, S. Safarov Str 16, Kulob State University named after A. Rudaki, Academic block #4, 3rd flour
Phone: (+992) 938-90-90-40
E-mail: k-zaboni.hozirai.rus@kgu.tj