Friday, 28-March
Khudoydodova Sharofat Zardovna was born on April 26, 1967 in Kulob City, Republic of Tajikistan. She has entered to the Faculty of Russian Philology of Kulob Pedagogical Institute and graduated in 1989. In 1989 has begun her work as assistant in the Chair of Russian of the Faculty of Pedagogy. Also she has entered to the Faculty of Social Sciences and studied on the specialty of Journalistic and Political Sciences. She worked as representative of the Russian section of the Kulob regional radio station, as well as a freelance correspondent for the newspapers “Kulyabskaya Pravda” (Kulob Truth and “Leninsky Put” (Lenin’s Way).
In 1995 Sharofat Zardovna has graduated the Kulob State University and got the specialty “History and Philology of Tajik Language”. Since 1995 until 2004 worked as Head of the Chair of Russian Language, since 2004 until 2008 as Head of the Chair of Russian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Russian Philology, since 2010 until 2013 worked as Head of the Chair of Russian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Russian Philology, Since December 2013 until April 2014 was a Head of the Chair of Journalism Sciences. In 2014 was appointed on the post of Vice-Rector on Education, since 2015 until 2019 on the post of Vice-rector on Science and Innovation and since February 2019 until now is on the post of Vice-Rector on International Relations of Kulob State University named after Abuabdullohi Rudaki.
Khudoydodova Sh.Z. worked as secretary of the Academic Council of KulSU named after A. Rudaki (2006-2009), as a Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Philology (2009), as Press Secretary of the Rector of the University (2010-2020), as an Editor of the Newspaper "Anvori donish" (2006-2009), as an Editor of the office of the State Institution "Safina Television" in Kulob City, Teacher of the Department of Journalism, participates in the development and broadcasting of advertisements in Russian and Tajik languages, publishing articles and essays in periodicals, supervision of research works of young researchers.
In 2010, Sharofat Zardovna defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Structural and substantive analysis of the language and style of advertising texts (in Tajik, Russian and English)”, which is one of the first in the field of studying the language and style of advertising texts in the Republic of Tajikistan.
For her dedicated job in the field of education and development of modern journalism, Sharofat Zardovna was awarded the several of awards and honorary titles, including: