, Monday, 16-September

SPECIALIZED DEPARTMENTS» Management and marketing


About the department

The Department of Management and Marketing is an integral part of the structure of an institution of higher professional education and conducts educational, scientific and methodological activities among teachers and students. The staff of the department conduct classes at various faculties of the university, teaching students the associated with the department.

Currently, there are 23 teachers conduct educational and research activities at the department. From the staff one external employee is Doctor of Economics, Professor; 3 internal employees (1 candidate of economic sciences, associate professor and 1 senior lecturer, 1 assistant).

The main staff of the department includes 1 candidate of pedagogical sciences, 3 candidates of economic sciences, 4 senior teachers, 10 assistants and 1 secretary who are engaged in educational activities. It should be noted that the department has 3 specialties in full-time and distance learning - social management, marketing and innovation management. And at the PhD doctoral level in social management and marketing major, the researchers are engaged in research work, writing scientific dissertations.

Information about department’s formation

The department of management was created on January 7th  in 2008  and the head of the department was appointed candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Ismoilov S., the deputy head of the department was appointed a teacher of this department Bobokhonova Sh. Kh. Due to the lack of qualified specialists, the Departments of Marketing and Management were merged in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 5 of the "Regulations on the Department of Higher Professional Education of the Republic of Tajikistan (decision of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of dated April 13, 2006 under No. 8/4)" and named the Department as Marketing and management. On November 17, 2009, the senior teacher of the department Bobokhonova Sh. was appointed head of the department of marketing and management.

In accordance with paragraph 100 of the "Model Regulations on Higher Professional Educational Institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan" by the decision of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan dated August 1, 2005, No. 254, starting from November 8, 2010, the departments of management and marketing were separated from each other and the Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Sharipova F. was appointed Head of the Department of Management and  the Head of the Department of Marketing was appointed Ph.D. Associate Professor Ismoilov S.С

On April 1, 2014, the Faculty of Economics was updated with two faculties and four departments, and the Department of Management and Marketing, acting, was attached to the Faculty of Economics and Management. The head of the department was appointed Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor Sharipova F.С

October 7, 2014 acting the head of the department "Management and Marketing" was assigned to the senior teacher of this department Bobokhonova Sh.Kh.

On January 4, 2018, the Department of Management and Marketing and the Department of Enterprise Economics and Entrepreneurship were merged and named the Department of Economics and Management.

From October 17, 2020, acting the head of the department of management and marketing was appointed senior lecturer of the same department Abdulov D.N.

From August 31, 2021 to October 7, 2022, the head of the department was Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Navruz N. head of this department Ph.D., associate professor Safarzoda M.V.

Department staff

Ғуломов З
Ghulomov Zikrullo
Candidate of Economics, Senior Lecturer, Head  of the department

Навруз Н
  Navruz Nosiri
  Candidate of economical Sciences, Associate Professor 

Sodikov Zafarsho
Candidate of Economics, Senior Lecturer



Бобохонова Ш

Bobokhonova Sharbonu
Candidate of economical Sciences, Senior Lecturer

Сафарова М

Safarova Muborak
Candidate of economical Sciences, Senior Lecturer

Абдулов Д
Abdulloev Dilshod
Senior Lecturer

Талбаков Л

Talbakov Lutfullo

Раънои Н
Ranoi Nurali

Шарифов С
Sharifov Suhrob

Давлаталии А
Davlatalii Abdusalomzoda

assistant, PhD student

Иброҳимов М
Ibrohimov Mahmadrasul
assistant, PhD student

Сафаров А
Safarov Ahliddin


Қурбонов Н
Kurbonov Nekruz


The activities of circles at the department

There are 2 circles -"Young managers” and “Marketers" at the Department of Management and Marketing, which have been active since 2009 and, according to the plan, their meetings are held once a month. The assistants of the department Ibragimov Mukhammadrasul and Nasimova Gulbahor are responsible for the leadership of the circles. Group meetings are held according to the plan.

Also, in parallel, a scientific seminar is held at the department, the work plan of the seminar is approved by the Office for Science and Innovation and is held once a month among teachers.

Achievements of the department


Navruz Nasiri, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department, in 2021 was awarded the honorary title of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan for outstanding achievements in the field of science and education.

Mubarak Bobokhonovna Safarova, Khurshed Kurbanov. Educational publication "International Marketing".



Abdulov Dilshod for active participation in remote conferences of the Russian Federation via the Internet

Safarova Mubarak for active participation in remote conferences of the Russian Federation via the Internet


Address: Kulob city, st. S. Safarova 16, KGU named after  A. Rudaki, Faculty of Economics and Management, academic building No. 3, 1st floor.
Phone: (+992) 