Monday, 31-March
The Department of Physical Education and Methods of its teaching is an integral part of the structure of an institution of higher professional education and conducts educational, scientific and methodological activities among students and teachers. The activity of the department of physical education and methods of its teaching began in 1962. The first head of the department was Mirzoali Tabarov, the candidate of pedagogical sciences.
The Department of physical education and teaching methods was founded in 1962. The first head of the department was Mirzoali Tabarov, the candidate of pedagogical sciences. During its activity, the department has trained well-known athletes of Tajikistan of international level, such as the late Saidmumin Rahimov, Mirzovatan Hasanaliev, Orif Jurakhonov, Habibullo Majidov and others. Currently, 22 teachers and two laboratory assistants work at the department. The subjects of the department are taught on the basis of state standards and curriculum.
The curriculum and work plans (syllabuses) have been developed for each subject. Teachers of the department conduct classes in 16 academic disciplines. From those numbers of the subjects, 15 of them are taught at the Faculty of Physical Education and Military Training, and one subject is taught at non-core faculties. At non-profile faculties, physical education classes are held for two semesters and amount to four credits.
The teaching staffs of the department, in addition to teaching, also contribute to the training of athletes. In the preparation of advanced training courses, the contribution of the faculty of the university and the committee for work with youth and physical culture of the city of Kulyab, the regional committee for work with youth and physical culture under the government of the Republic of Tajikistan is very important.
Nurmatov Sharofiddin
Head of the department, senior teacher
Saidov Parvin
senior teacher
The following circles and sections operate at the department under the guidance of teachers of the department: Mirzoev S - judo, Nurmatov S - national wrestling, Kurbanali S - sambo wrestling, Karakulov A-basketball, Khudoydodi S - women's volleyball, Shoimardonov S - athletics, Zardov Zh. - light sports, Azimov R. - youth volleyball, Golibzhani R. - small football, Rakhmatulloev A. - freestyle wrestling. The members of the mentioned sports circles and sections are students from all faculties of the university.
Along with the work of circles and sections at the department, a scientific and theoretical seminar is held once a month under the guidance of assistant of the department Zardov Jumakhon. Teachers of the department make scientific reports at the scientific and theoretical seminar.
Khizrali Karimov, 1st year student of the Faculty of Physical Education and Military Training, on 04/01/2018 won the first place in the weight of 77 kg in the republican competition between the best Jiu-Jitsu of Tajikistan, which was held in Dushanbe.
On February 12th, 2015, the team of the Faculty of Physical Education and Military Training got the third place in the chess competition among teachers dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Kulyab State University named after Abuabdulloh Rudaki.
On March 24th, 2018, the 1st year student of the faculty Komilov Shohruh took part in the republican competition in "Sambo Wrestling", which was held among young people born in 1998-2001. In order to honor the first champion of the Soviet Union in sambo wrestling Azalsho Olimov and took third place in the 74 kg category.
03/17/2018 a 3rd year student of the faculty Zulhijai Jurabek was awarded a distinction for participating in the New Year's Run dedicated to the celebration of the international holiday Navruz-2018.
03/11/2018 a 2nd year student of the faculty Khairandesh Muradzoda took part in the regional competition in "Judo", held among the youth born in 1998-2001, and won the first place
03.03.2018 A sports competition of students of the Kulyab State University named after Abuabdulloh Rudaki took place, in which the team of athletes of the faculty took the first place.
Address: Kulob, st. S. Safarova 16, KSU named after. A. Rudaki Academic building No. 1, floor 1, office No. 1
Work phone: (+992) 988039216
E-mail: k-tarbiyai.jismoni@kgu.tj