Monday, 31-March
The chair of political science
The Department of Political Science is an integral part of the structure of a higher educational institution and conducts educational, scientific and methodological work among students and teachers. Teachers of the department conduct classes at different faculties according to the disciplines of the department. The department makes a significant contribution to the formation of political consciousness, political culture, improving the legal and political outlook, the formation of national unity, improving the foundations of civil society, respect for cultural and literary values and the interests of the people, protecting independence and stable development of the country. The most important task of the teachers of the department is to be a conscious and patriotic person with high social responsibility, with modern knowledge and worldview, a person with the ability to recognize the complex processes of the modern world. The teachers of the department are currently working on the structure of governance in the political sphere of various societies, the political system and political ideology, the democratic system, the method of decision-making in political structures and other areas.
Since 2010 the department has been working independently. From September 2009 to September 2011, the head of the department was a candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Azamov Kh.S. from September 2011 to February 2012 candidate of political sciences, associate professor Nazarzoda. P.S. since February 2012 candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Azamov H.S. from december 2012 to 2018 candidate of political sciences, associate professor Murodova G.R. was the head of the department, from 2018 to the present, the head of the department is the candidate of political sciences, associate professor Pirnazarov Emomnazar Anvarovich.
In 1983, the department of political science was separated from compatibility with the department of philosophy and was renamed as the department of scientific communism. In the first years of the founding of the department, the following worked at the department: candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Yunusov S.S. candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Tagaev R., senior lecturers Shamsov N. and Safarov Sh. In September 1986, the head of the department was appointed candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Azamov. H.S. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the department of scientific communism was named the department of political science. In those years, 8 teachers were engaged in educational work of students, including: Doctor of political sciences, professor Makhmadov Abdurakhmon, Doctor of philosophical sciences Khidirzoda M.U. candidate of philosophy, associate professor Rakhmonov T., candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Azamov Kh.S., as well as senior teachers Shamsov N., Safarov Sh., Khakimov R. and others made a huge contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists. Since 2010 the department has been working independently. From September 2009 to September 2011, the head of the department was a candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Azamov Kh.S. from September 2011 to February 2012 candidate of political sciences, associate professor Nazarzoda P.S. since February 2012 candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Azamov H.S. from December 2012 to 2018 candidate of political sciences, associate professor Murodova G.R. was the head of the department, from 2018 to the present, the head of the department is the candidate of political sciences, associate professor Pirnazarov Emomnazar Anvarovich. At present, 20 highly qualified teachers work at the department - associate professors: Azamov Kh.S., Nazarzoda P.S., Pirnazarov E.A., Murodova G., Murodov T., senior lecturers: Yakubzoda F.N., Shokhruhi S., Fayzov R., Boimatov D.M., Usmonzoda S., assistants: Nekruzi M., Kurbonzoda D., Chobirov Sh., Mirzoev K., Komilova R. are engaged in the education and training of students, as well as research activities.
Pirnazarov E.A.
Candidate of political sciences, associate professor, head of department
Azamov H.S.
Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor
Nazarzoda P.S.
candidate of political sciences, associate professor
Murodova G.
candidate of political sciences, associate professor
Murodov T.
Candidate of political, sciences, associate professor
Safaralizoda Kh.Q.
Candidate of political sciences, associate professor
Fayzov R.
senior teacher
Yakubzoda F.
senior teacher
Boboev D.
Usmonzoda S.
senior teacher
Qurbonzoda D.
Nekruzi М.
Nazarova G.
The activities of circles at the department
There is a circle "world of politics" at the department. Since 2005, the leadership of the circle has been entrusted to the candidate of political sciences, associate professor Murodova Gulchekhra. Its goal is to increase the political, cognitive, legal and cultural knowledge of students and their active participation in building a democratic, legal, secular and unified society. The activists of the circle took pride of place in competitions and olympiads. For example, in 2006 and 2007, an active member of the circle, Khujamurod Kuddusov, took first place in the Republican Olympiad between universities in Dushanbe. In 2008, in the specified Olympiad, a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Economics, a member of the circle Muhammadnaim Mirsaidov took 3rd place. In 2015, at the Republican Olympiad held in Dushanbe, among 21 higher educational institutions, 3rd year student of the Faculty of Economics Khabibulloev Umarjonu was awarded 2nd place in political science with 1st degree honors and a cash prize. This great victory is the result of the good work of the "World of Politics" circle and its leader Shokhrukhi Saijafar. Most of the former members of the circle have academic degrees and titles and work in various leadership positions and in other areas. In 2020, the circle "World of Politics" under the leadership of the assistant Kurbonzoda D.K. won first place and honor. Currently, the head of the circle "World of Politics" is the assistant of the department Zarifov. Kh.
The department also has a scientific and methodological seminar. This seminar is held once a month as part of the research work of teachers, the head of this seminar is the senior teacher Yakubzoda F.N.
Achievements of the department
In 2020, the scientific circle of the "world of politics" department took first place among all circles of the university.
Address: Kulob, st. S. Safarova 16, KSU named after A. Rudaki, educational building No. 6, 2nd floor, office no. 211
Phone: (+992) 985411923
E-mail: boimatov93@mail.ru