Saturday, 22-February
The Department of Enterprise Economics and Entrepreneurship is included in the structure of the Faculty of Economics and Management and has three specialties: 1-25 01 07 economics and management at the enterprise, 1-26 01 01 01 management of local governments and 6D050600 economics at three levels of education: bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies. PhD trains talented specialists in accordance with the requirements of the domestic and foreign labor market. Currently, the department employs 15 teachers, including: 4 candidates of sciences, associate professor, 5 senior teachers, 5 assistants and 1 employee.
The Department of Enterprise Economics and Entrepreneurship was created on April 6, 2014 by order of the rector of the university at No. 57. From the beginning of the creation to the present, associate professors Rasulov N.S., Rasulova L.N., Kadzhkuloev A.F. Nazarzoda P.S. A.S. Khakimov, headed the department. From the beginning of the 2023 academic year to the present, senior lecturer HS.F.Hasanova Head of the Department.
Hasanova Farzona
Candidate of Economic Senior Lecturer, Head of Department
Rasulova Lutfiya Nuralievna
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Fathullozoda Abduholiq Fathullo
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Mirzoev Tahirjon Zainiddinovich
Senior Lecturer
Saidzoda Qurbonali Said
Senior Lecturer
Sirodzhova Takhmina Murodalievna
Senior Lecturer
Shahnozai Sodik
Senior Lecturer
Ibodova Mavzvnn Najbudinovna
Senior Lecturer
Nuralieva Mijgona
Abdullozoda Hisrav Abdullo
Doutova Adiba
Qurbonov Anis Mahmudovich
Odinaev Izat Fayzulloevich
Nematova Nargis Hakimovna
Activities of clubs for departments
The department has a scientific club of students "Sohibkor", whose members are selected from among talented students in the specialties of the department of enterprise economics and entrepreneurship, are active participants, winners of olympiads. The club was led by the Candidate of Economic Senior Lecturer of the department Nazarov Muradali Solehovich The club is held once a month with two speakers. At the same time, a scientific and theoretical seminar is held at the department under the guidance of the head of the department. At the seminar, daily topics are selected and implemented by the teachers of the department, according to the work plan of the seminar.
Achievements of the department
Winner of the republican competition “Young Researcher and Inventor” among students, undergraduates, doctoral students in specialties (PhD) and applicants of higher professional and scientific educational institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan Davlatov Muhammadjon under the leadership Candidate of Economic Khasanova Farzona Shermadhonovna took third place.
Kulyab State University named after A. Rudaki was awarded to Khasanova Farzona Shermadhonovna for impeccable services in the performance of official duties, making a corresponding contribution to the implementation of state policy in the field of science and education, promoting national and cultural values, preparing students for participation and victories in the republican competition “Young Scientist” and inventor."
The honorary award of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan was awarded to Kajkulloev Abdukholik for many years of impeccable merits in the field of education and science, a valuable contribution to the upbringing of the younger generation, the training of highly qualified personnel and active participation in public life
Honorary award of the Kulyab State University named after A. Rudaki Khakimov Abdurazok was awarded for fruitful work in the development of science and education of the country and the upbringing and education of young people on the occasion of Teacher's Day.
The senior lecturer of the Department of Economics and Management Rasulova Lutfiya was awarded a diploma for a high sense of patriotism, a sense of responsibility, a valuable contribution to the upbringing of the younger generation, the training of highly qualified personnel and active participation in public works dedicated to the Year of Development of Tourism and Folk Crafts
Address: Kulob, st. S. Safarova 16, Kulob State University named after A. Rudaki, educational building No. 5, 2nd floor;
Work phone: (+992) 987667067