, Saturday, 22-February

SPECIALIZED DEPARTMENTS» General and theoretical physics


About  department

The Department of General and Theoretical Physics is an integral part of the Kulyab State University named after Abu Abdullah Rudaki and conducts  research, educational and educational activities among teachers and students. Department lecturers teach subjects related to the department in various faculties.

The department of general and theoretical physics employs 22 person including 6 candidates of science, 5 senior lecturers, 6 assistants and 5 technical workers. The Department of General and Theoretical Physics has 9 educational laboratories and 1 research laboratory.

Permanent members of the department: associate professor Gaforov S., Toshmatov A.D., Ph.D. R.Ya., Ph.D. Sharipov A.P., PhD Sharipov S., senior lecturers Saidaliev A., Gulmatov U.A., Qurbanov D., assistants Rakhmatova R.B., Murodova S., Safarahmadi R., Iskandarov M., Musoeva Zh., Alamova Kh.T., Rakhmonova G.Kh. laboratory assistants Yakubova A.A., Mahmudova S., Muradov B.N., Sharipov M. and Sherova I. The average age of the department's employees   are 45 years.

Department history

The Department of General and Theoretical Physics was established in 2014 on the basis of the Departments of General and Theoretical Physics. Until 2014, the departments of general physics and theoretical physics worked separately.

The Faculty of Physics or General Physics has not been separate since the founding of the Pedagogical Institute, it was on the balance sheet of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. It is part of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and was founded in 1957. Sultanov Mirzo was responsible for the leadership of the department from its inception until 1958. Since 1958, the head of the department was Azam Akbarov. Khusain Gafurov was the only physicist in the department, and he taught general physics and methods of teaching physics, while Azam Akbarov taught higher and elementary mathematics. From 1958 to 1962 Azizov S., Umarov Sh. were in charge.

Since 1962, the Department of Physics has left the balance of the Department of Physics and Mathematics and was formed as an independent department. Since the foundation of the department in 1962-1973, the head of department of physics has been senior lecturer Sitamov S. From 1974 to 1975, the Department of General Physics was headed by Abbaszoda B.

In 1975, the Faculty of Physics was formed as an independent faculty, headed by A. Sh. Rakhmatov, Candidate of   Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

From 1975 to 1982, the head of the department was the candidate of technical sciences Nazarov Zh.

From 1988 to 1994, the Department of Physics was headed by Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Zainuddinov Safar. From 1994 to 2000, the head of the department was Associate Professor Sitamov Sadullo. From 2000 to 2013, the department was headed by senior lecturer Sitamov Sultan. From 2013 to 2014, the head of  department was a candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Rakhmonov Kh.O.

In October 1979, the Department of Theoretical Physics was established at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. Its founder and first director was a prominent Tajik scientist, academician, doctor of chemical sciences, professor Safiev Khaydar.

The head of   department from 1980 to 2010 was  associate professor A. Zarifzoda. From 2010-2014 the senior teacher D.T. Kodirova was  the head department.

In 2014, the departments of general physics and theoretical physics were merged and received the name of the department of general and theoretical physics. From the date of formation of the Department of General and Theoretical Physics (in 2014) until September 2020, department was headed by Kodirova D.T. Since September 2020, Akramova R.Ya., thehead of Department of General and Theoretical Physics, Ph.D. until now.

Department staff

Акрамова Р

  Akramova Rukhshona Yatimovna
  c.s.ph.m., the head of department
  E-mail: Ruhshona.Akramova@mail.ru

Ғафоров С
Ghafforov Sator

candidate of physics and mathematics, docent

Тошматов А
Toshmatov Abdunabi
candidate of physics and mathematics, docent

Раҳмоов Ҳ
  Rahmonov Hamid Obidovich
 candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent

Шарипов А
Sharipov Alamsho
candidate of technical sciences, senior teacher


  Sharipov Safarali
  candidate of physics and mathematics

Сайдалиев А
Saidaliyev Abdulaziz
senior teacher

Қурбонов Д
Qurbanov Dilovar
senior teacher

Гулматов У
Gulmatov Umarjan
senior teacher

Муродова С
  Muradova Saodat




Раҳмонова Р
 Rahmatova Rayhona



Сафараҳмади Р
Safarahmadi Rahmatzoda




Аламова Х  
  Alamova Khaticha



 Iskandarov Muboraksho

Мусоева Ҷ
  Musoeva Jamolbi

Раҳмонова Г
  Rahmonova Gulbui



Шерова И
  Sherova Idigul
  laboratory assistant



Ёқубова А
Yakubova Adolat
laboratory assistant


Муродов Б
  Muradov Bakhtiyor
  laboratory assistant

Маҳмудова С
 Mahmudova Sitora
laboratory assistant





  Karimov Khushnud
  laboratory assistant


  Shomirzoeva Matluba
  laboratory assistant


Activities of clubs  department

A scientific-methodical seminar is held at the department. This workshop was led by c.s.ph.math., Akramova R.Ya. At the scientific and methodological seminar, the results of the research work of the teachers of the department, graduate students, trainees, applicants will be considered and discussed. The schedule of the scientific and methodological seminar was approved, according to which

The workshop will be held once a month. Each seminar will be attended by one lecturer and one graduate student.

Along with the activities of the scientific and methodological seminar at the department, the club "Young Physicist" under the guidance of the assistant of the department Safarahmadi R. The members of the club are active students of 1-5 courses of physics, mathematics and physics, labor education, technology in the areas and graduate students of the Faculty of Physics, whose active participation can be seen in conferences, Olympiads’ .There are 28 students in the club, and in general, issues related to science and research and the design of textbooks and articles, master's theses, term papers, which play an important role in the expansion and development of scientific work and the emergence of a scientific base for students, are discussed. Club graduates also prepare and participate in university conferences. Clubs work according to the work plan approved by the Department of Science and Innovation of the University. In 2022, club members took part in the regional round of the Science of Enlightenment competition and won prizes. Like Marufjoni O., a second-year graduate student of the Faculty of Physics. The first place was taken by a second-year graduate student of the Faculty of Physics T. Nazarov. and a fourth-year student of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics took second place and entered the national tour.

Achievements of the department


We thank Sobirov Sayidzho for active participation in the regional round of the competition "Science and Knowledge".

Letter of thanks from the Ministry of Education and Culture of the city of Kulyab for active participation in the regional round of the competition "Science and Knowledge" Marufjon Odinakhon

The  first degree diploma for active participation in the competition "Student and scientific and technological progress" in 2021 Rabiyamohi Hotam

Diploma of  second degree for active participation in the competition "Student and scientific and technological progress" to Nazirmadov Mijgona

State Prize of the Republic of Tajikistan for scientists and teachers of natural sciences, exact and mathematical subjects Gafforov Sator.

Letter of thanks from the Ministry of Education and Culture of the city of Kulob, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, Akramova Rukhshona



Address: Kulyob  city, st. S. Safarova 16, KSU  named after A.Rudaki, educational building No. 3, 1st floor, office No. 110
Work phone: (+992) 918 28 86 15