Sunday, 09-March
The Department of mathematics and methods of its teaching is part of the structure of a higher educational institution and conducts educational, scientific and methodological activities among students and teachers.
The teachers of the department teach at different faculties. There are 20 teachers engaged in research works. From the given number there are 2 Doctors of Science, 1 Corresponding Member of National Academy of Tajikistan, 2 Professors (1 Doctor of Science, Associate Professor), 4 Candidates of Science, 2 Associate Professors, 5 Senior Lecturers and 9 Assistants.
There are 8 applicants at the department (Bazhova M., Mirzoeva M., Ashurova M., Sattorov K., Husainov R., Mastonai R., Ubaidulloi A., Imomov Z.R.) and 1 PhD student (Hakimzoda N .) engaged in research work.
The Department of mathematics and methods of its Teaching consists of two combined Departments; the departments of Methods of Teaching Mathematics and the department of Higher Mathematics.
From 1970 to 1973 the head of the Department of Mathematical Education was Professor Sharifov Juma, from 1973 to 1976 Professor Gulomov I., from 1981 to 2000 Professor Sharifov J. from 2000-to 2012 Associate Professor Makhmudov T.
The Department of Higher Mathematics was established in 1993 in connection with the transformation of the Kulyab State Pedagogical Institute into the Kulyab State University named after Abuabdulloh Rudaki. The need to create this department is due to the fact that in addition to educational specialties, there was a need to prepare non-pedagogical specialties for the national economy of a young independent state. The creation of this department was planned for the preparation of economic, chemical-biological, geographical specialties.
The first head of this department was considered a member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan Kurbonov Ikrom. In subsequent years, this department was headed by Professor R. Akbarov. During the activity of the department, due to the economic situation of the university, some employees of the department moved to universities and institutes of the republic, and the department was included several times in the department of mathematical analysis and algebra-geometry. The last time the department was returned to its former name by the decision of the Academic Council of KSU in 2006 under the guidance of Professor I. Gulomov.
Depending on the conditions of the department, after Professor Gulomov I. Senior Lecturer Turaev K. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Abdulazizov A. Head of the Department. From the beginning of the 2014-2015 academic year, the Department of Higher Mathematics and Methods of Teaching Mathematics were merged and the Department of Mathematics and Methods of Teaching was created. Since September 2014 Ph.D., Associate Professor Pirnazarov A. worked as the head of the department. Since September 2015, the head of the department has been senior lecturer Juraev K., and since October 2015, the head of the department until January 2018 was the senior teacher Davlatbekov A. Since January 20th 2018, both departments have been united and called it “Mathematics and Methods of Its Teaching”, head of the department. appointed candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Samariddinova Z. From September 27, 2019 to August 2020, Davlatbekov A. worked as the head of the department. Niyozov J.M. From August 2021 to May 2022, the head of the department was Sirojiddini D. From May 21, 2022 to the present, Ph.D., Associate Professor Niyazov J.M.
Sirojiddini Davlatali
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, docent, Head of Department
Niyozov Jonmahmmad Murodovich
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, docent
Gulomov Islom
doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor
Bazhova Malika
Senior Lecturer
Juraev Kulobi
Senior Lecturer
Imomov Zafarkhon Rajabalievich
Senior Lecturer
Husaynov Ruhullo Salohiddinovich
Senior Lecturer
Sattorov Kobiljon Abdulhakimovich
Senior Lecturer
Mirzoeva Malohat Saymurodovna
Ubaidulloi Abdusamad
Mastonai Rahmatzoda
Ashurova Murodbegim
Sultonova Kurbonbi
senior teacher
Gulomova Mohira Islomovna
head of the cabinet
Sharifova Zamira Jumaevna
laboratory assistant
The activities of the circle at the department
A scientific seminar is held at the department, which is led by Ph.D., associate professor Niyazov J.M. Seminar secretary Khusainov S.R. undertakes to hold a circle twice a month.
In order to train the scientific staff of the university, well-known scientists of the republic are involved, who will make scientific reports at the seminars of the department on topical topics in the field of mathematics.
At the Department of Mathematics and Methods of Teaching there is also a circle called "Diophantus", the head of the circle is Mirzoeva M., assistant of the department, this circle is held once a month.
Achievements of the department
Islam Gulomov. “Work of thoughts” - imagination of human wisdom. - Dushanbe 2021. -116 pages.
Makhmudov T., Niyazov J., Gulmatov M., Sharipov Sh., Sirodjiddin D. Huseynov R., "Geometry (Exercises and problems for grades 1-7)" Uchebnoe posobie. Dushanbe. 2016. 160 pages.
Mahmudov T., Safarova M., Sirodzhidini D., Niyazov J., Huseynov R., Bazhova M. "Exercises and problems from mathematics" Teaching manual. Dushanbe. 2021. 160 pages.
Mahmudov T., Sirodzhidini D., Bazhova M., Abdulazizov A., Niyazov J., Sharipov Sh., Husaynov H., Pulodov M. "Solution of geometry problems of the 8th grade" Dushanbe-2019
Makhmudov T., Sharipov Sh., Niyazov J., Davlatov T., Huseynov R., Pulatov M. "Exercises and problems from mathematics" Uchebnoe posobie-2 part Dushanbe-2017
Gulomov I.N. Mahmudov T. "We study mathematics." A tutorial. Dushanbe: 1991. 184 p.
Gulomov I.N. "History and methodology of mathematics". Educational and methodological tool. Dushanbe: 2015.300 pages.
Gulomov I.N., Akbarov R., Mahmudov T., Izatulloev K., Halimov G. "Algebra and the beginning of analysis", educational supplies For 10th grade students. Dushanbe: 2015.-300 pages.
Makhmudov T., Davlatov T., Niyazov J., Sharipov Sh., Gulmatov M. "Mathematics curriculum" Textbook. Dushanbe - 2012. 120 str.
Mahmudov T., Sarahonova S. "Interesting Matters" Part Two. A tutorial. Dushanbe. 2004. 60 p.
Address: Kulob, st. S. Safarov 16, Kul.S.U named after A. Rudaki, building No. 3, 4th floor, office No. 408
Tel: (+992) 985544970
E-mail: k-matematika@kgu.tj