Monday, 31-March
The Department of Informatics is an integral part of the structure of an institution of higher professional education and conducts educational, scientific and methodological activities among students and teachers. The teachers of the department teach specialized subjects related to the department at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. 22 teachers are engaged in research, teaching and educational activities at the department. Of this number, 1 doctor of sciences, professor, freelancer, 1 associate professor, freelancer, 3 candidates of sciences, associate professor, permanent employee, 4 candidates of sciences, senior lecturer, permanent employee, 4 senior lecturers, 7 assistants, 1 laboratory assistant and 1 employee of the department.
At the department, 2 applicants are engaged in scientific research (Yatimov Kh.T., Safarov S.Kh.), 1 graduate student of correspondence courses (Shokhsanami R.), who has now completed his studies.
On June 12, 2013, the Department of Computer Science became independent from the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering on the basis of order No. 125 of the Rector of the University. Its first director was Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Odinazoda Safargul Atabek. From September 2014 to October 2015, this position was held by senior lecturer Azimov S.D., from 2015 to 2019, the position of head of the department was held by senior lecturer Rafiev S.A., from March 2019 to August 2021, this position was held by Kholov A.A. August 2021, the head teacher was Davlatov Rahmonali Murodalievich. Currently, since February 21, 2022, the position of the head of the department has been held by the senior lecturer Sharipov A.P. responsible.
Abdulhaeva Halima Saidabrorovna
senior teacher
Shohsanami Rizo
senior teacher
E-mail: dieva@mail.ru
Sulaimonov Ubaidullo Ismatulloevich
Senior Lecturer
E-mail: ubaydullo-92@mail.ru
Kurbonova Umeda Talabovna
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer
E-mail: umeda-1994@inbox.ru
Gulomov Suhrob Rustamovich
E-mail: suhrob.41@mail.ru
Azimov Saidibrohim Davlatovich
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
E-mail: azimov-2012@inbox.ru
Yatimov Homid Toirovich
Senior Lecturer
E_mail: homid-33@mail.ru
Ibrohimi Yusuf
assistant Davlatov Hadyatullo
Azimova Shahlo Abdurahimovna
laboratory assistant
E-mail: shahlo70@mail.ru
Activities of clubs in the department
A scientific seminar and a circle "Young programmers" are held at the department. The club is held twice a month. Over the past 2 years, at the initiative of the department, 2 scientific events have been held at the university level: 1 forum on the topic “Youth condemns cyberterrorism” and 1 conference on the topic “Using the possibilities of information and communication technologies in modern conditions”, dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Sharipov Alamsho Partoevich. Synthesis and properties gallium antimonide and arsenide in solid and liquid phase, Dushanbe - 2022.
Miralizoda A. M., Davlatov R. M. Education quality management based on information and сommunicationtechnologies, Kulob-2021Safarov Munir Vatanovich. Fundamentals of adult education technology, Dushanbe - 2020
Safarov Munir Vatanovich. Androgogica. Dushanbe– 2021
Thanks to A.P. Sharipov. Ph.D. “For making a worthy contribution to the implementation of state policy in the field of science and education, promoting and encouraging national and cultural values, attracting students to participate and win in the regional round of the republican competition” “Ilm - furugi marifat” sh. Kulyab - November 15 salt 2022.
Thanks to A.P. Sharipov. for his contribution to the development of modern science, excellent education of students and their high-level training in the nomination "Information Technology" among students for the regional round of the republican competition "Science is a source of knowledge"
Safarov M.V. Technology of development of non-formal education. Dushanbe: 2017. 165 p.
"Diploma of the 1st degree" of the republican competition of young scientists "The best innovator", Khujand (2016)
Safarov M.V., Samariddinova Z.N. Educational and methodical manual on computer modeling in teaching mathematical problems. Dushanbe: 2016. 138 p.
Safarov M.V. Computer modeling as each factor in the formation of students' creative abilities in the study of mathematical problems. Dushanbe: 2015. 96 p.
Address: Kulob, st. S. Safarova 16, KGU named after A. Rudaki, educational building No. 4, 2nd floor, office No. 206
Work phone: (+992) 918846385
E-mail: k-ilmhoi.komuteri@kgu.tj