Friday, 28-March
The educational department is directly subordinate to the vice-rector for academic affairs and is the leading structural unit of the university in the direction of organizing, regulating, managing and coordinating the educational process. It implements the planning and organization of higher professional education, ensuring the new educational technologies, linking theoretical knowledge into practice, developing visual and technical teaching aids in the educational process. The educational department regulates the activities of teachers for preparing educational programs, teaching aids, guidelines, educational literature in accordance with the requirements of state standards of higher education. The education department controls the fulfillment of the requirements of regulatory and organizational and methodological documents in the development and approval of state educational standards, curricula, class schedules and exams. Also the education department controls compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents in the development of work-plans for faculties, calculates the volume of educational work, distributes the teaching load of teachers and records its implementation, prepares information on the number of teaching staff for the academic year, and also participates in the organization of state attestation commissions.
The educational department consists of the following divisions:
Educational department staff:
Mirzoev Qurbonali Saidovich
Head of the Educational department
Kamolov Shodmonjon Valikhonovich
Vide-hide of Department
E-mail: shk_filosof@mail.ru
Sattorov Qobiljon Abdulhakimovich
E-mail: aman.919191@mail.ru
Firdavsi Kholmuhammad
E-mail: shm94fs94@gmail.com
Address: Kulob city, st. S. Safarova 16, office building, 3rd floor, rooms 307-311
Work phone: (+992 8 33 22) 2-51-25
E-mail: talim@kgu.tj