, Saturday, 22-February

SPECIALIZED DEPARTMENTS» Preschool education and social work


About the department

The department of preschool education and social work is an integral part of the structure of the institution of higher professional education and conducts educational, scientific-methodical activities among students and teachers. Teachers of the department in the specialties "Preschool education", "Preschool education and applied psychology", "Defectology", "Lyrics pedagogy, preschool education", "Oligophrenopedagogy, preschool education", "Logopedia, primary education", from the disciplines of preschool pedagogy and a practical course they teach child psychology and its practical course, modern Tajik literary language, age physiology, natural science, preparing a child for school, pedagogic ideas of the Tajik people, etc. The department has 1 professor, Izzatova Muhabbat Inoyatovna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, 3-n Sharipov Bakhtovar, Daminova Arafamo, Gaforov Abdusattor, senior teachers: Tabarova Zartorbi, Gulmadova Umeda, assistants: 12-n Valieva Sabagul, Abdulloeva Shahnoza, Saydalieva Sojida, Saodati Rahmonali, Kasimov Pulod, Kimatguli Ahmed, Barotov Nazim, Zarifov Nurkhan, Sheralieva Anvarbi, Shoimardonova Munira, Tagaeva Sailonbi, Fozilov Subhon., Ruzieva Barno, Qurbanalizoda M. they teach.

History of the department

Historically, the department was founded in 1968 under the name of the department of "Pedagogy and Psychology" and currently operates under the name of the department of preschool education and social work. During this period, it was led by well-known scientists of the republic, Afzalov Khairullo, Izzatova Muhabbat Inoyatovna, Tillo Bobev, Mirzoev Salim, Ibodov Nazrullo, Farkhuddinov Yusuf, Daminova Arafamo, Tabarova Zartorbi, Bozorov Khushvakht, and currently the head of the department is Sharipov Bakhtovar. Their contribution in strengthening the scientific, educational, methodological basis of the department is a support. The young teachers of the department were provided with comprehensive assistance in preparing for classes, mastering educational materials, ways and methods of conducting theoretical and practical classes. It should be emphasized that it was the result of such hard work and their daily care that promising young teachers in the field of preschool education Sharipov Bakhtovar and Daminova Arafamo matured in the department.

It should be noted that during the 75 years of the development of Kulob State University named after Abuabdullahi Rudaki, the following persons were in charge of the department:

Tillo Boboev (1971-1977) head of the department, Mirzoev Salim (1977-1977), Afzalov Khairullo (1980-1985), Izzatova Muhabbat Inoyatovna (1985-2005), Ibodov Nazrullo (2005-2007), Halimova Davlatbi (2007-2011) , Yuldosheva Jamila (2011-2012), Daminova Arafamo (2012-2013), Farkhuddinov Yusuf (2013-2014), Juraev Bobokhon (2014-2015), Tabarova Zartorbi (2016-2017), Bozorov Khushvakht (2018-2020), Sharipov Bakhtovar. (2021) to date. The contribution of the mentioned directors in the progress of scientific, research and educational work of the department and in the university as a whole, in the training of young specialists is worthy of praise. The department of pre-school education and social work has done significant work in the preparation of quality specialists meeting the current requirements of the university and the country.

Department staff

Шарипов Б

 Sharipov Bakhtovar
 Candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of the department

Иззатова М

 Izzatova Muhabbat 
 Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor


Даминова А

 Daminova Arafamo
 Candidate of pedagogical sciences


  Ghafforov  Abdusattor
  Candidate of pedagogical sciences  


   Saodati  Rahmonali 
  Candidate of pedagogical sciences


Табарова З

 Taʙarova Zartorbī
 Senior teacher


Абдуллоева Ш

 Abdulloeva Shahnoza
 Senior teacher


Гулмадова У

Gulmadova Umeda
Senior teacher

  Saydahmadova  Sadbarg
  Senior teacher

Сайдалиева С

Saydalieva Sojidamo


 Назарова Хосият

  Shoimardonova Munira


  Nohira Haqnazarzoda

  Qosimov  Pulod

Мадаминова М

 Madaminova Murodbegim
 laboratory assistant




Activities of clubs in the department

The department has 2 clubs "Preschool Pedagogy" and "Young Psychologist". From 2022-2023, the head of the "Preschool Pedagogy" club is under the responsibility of the senior teacher of the department Gulmadova Umeda, and the club "Young Psychologist" is assigned to Qurboalizoda Maksud, the members of which are clubs are 31 people. Every year, the active members of the club give speeches at the April scientific-theoretical conference of the department and constantly participate in political and cultural events of the university and the city.
According to the approved plan, club meetings are held 2 times a month. The club has 31 members.

Achievements of the department

An important and fundamental achievement in the 2023-2024 academic year is, first of all, the scientific work of young and novice teachers of the department, in the same year a new department was created called the Department of Young Psychologists, headed by Professor Izzatova M. I. the head believes that in this regard it should be noted that on the part of the teachers of the department, associate Professor Sharipov B.F., heads of the department Abdullayeva Sh,S. Tabarova Z. and the assistant of the department Shoimardanova M. Annually, depending on the problems of the department, textbooks, manuals and monographs are issued.

Of the 17 full-time employees of the department, 14 are teachers of the department engaged in research work, 4 are former teachers of the department are not engaged in research work, but have committed themselves to writing teaching aids and textbooks, 2 teachers of the department, one of whom (Shoimardonova M. And Boboeva M.) chooses his topic and the scientific director and in the coming days submits it for approval to the academic council.

In 2023-2024, two conferences were held at the department, one in history from April 10 to 13 to summarize the research work of teachers and lecturers, undergraduates and students, at which 20 reports of teachers, 2 reports of undergraduates and 12 reports of students were heard; on November 10, 2023, two conferences were held at the department: 2023-2024 A scientific and theoretical conference of teachers and students of the Department of Preschool Education and Social Work on the topic "a humane approach and a favorable environment for the education and upbringing of children with disabilities" was held, at which 5 reports were heard.

In November 2023-2024, the department held a round table on the role of parents in education and upbringing of children, and in the second half of April a conference entitled "Technology of social work with children with disabilities" is planned. At the same time, on May 31, 2023, the department held a republican scientific and theoretical conference on the topic "Research of problems of preschool education and social services with children" and 15 topics from the sector of preschool education and social work and 17 topics from the sector of child psychology were heard and discussed at the conference.

At the department, a scientific and theoretical seminar led by Associate Professor, Nazarova H. carries out activities that have been carried out 10 times since the beginning of the 2023-2024 academic year to date.

According to the plan, lectures are held once a month, at which teachers from their research work and teachers with academic degrees make presentations on writing scientific articles, master's and doctoral dissertations, the texts of which are not allowed at the department;

In 2023-2024, teachers and lecturers, applicants, postgraduates in a number of other areas of their activities compiled 2 scientific and methodological manuals and 4 articles submitted to the peer-reviewed journals of the KOA. Including,

Monographs and scientific, educational and methodological manuals:

  1. Sharipov,B.F. "Basic conditions for preparing preschool children for school education" (textbooks) / B.F. Sharipov [Text]. - Dushanbe: Irfon, 2022. – 110 P.
  2. Sharipov, B.F. "Whenever you reach the river, the drop does not flow" (educational media) / B.F. Sharipov [Text]. - Dushanbe: Irfon, 2022. – 60 P.


  1. Sharipov, B.F. Patterns of changes in physical and pedagogical development in the mental development of children / B.F. Sharipov [text] / / message of the Kulob State University named after Abuabdullah Rudaki. – 2022. - №4 / 21. – Pp.89-97 (in Tajik).
  2. Sharipov, B.F. Classification of the development of interpersonal communication of children with disabilities in the classroom and at extracurricular activities / B.F. Sharipov [text] / / Bulletin of the Tajik National University. – 2018. - Series of Humanities. - No. 3/7. – pp. 245-248. - Dushanbe: Sino, 2022 (in Tajik).
  3. Sharipov,B.F. Basic conditions-cooperation of preschool institutions and households in preparing children for school.F. Sharipov [text] // Scientific Research Institute for the Development of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan named after A. A. Public. - 2022. - №4 / 76. – Pp. 25-29 (in Tajik).
  4. Gulmadova. T.P. Fundamentals of measures of a competent approach to teaching in primary grades of extracurricular / U.P. Gulmadova [text] / / Proceedings of the Tajik National University named after – 2022. - Series of Humanities. - No. 8. – pp. 216-220. - Dushanbe:" Sino", 2022 (in Tajik).

Address: Kulob, st. S. Safarova 16, KSU named after  A.Rudaki, educational building No. 2, 2nd floor, office no. 2#13
Phone: (+992) 944181920
E-mail: k-tahsiloti.tomaktabi@kgu.tj