Friday, 14-February
The Department of Comparative Linguistics and Typology was established by order of the Rector of Kulob State University named after Abuabdulloh Rudaki under No. 177 of 02.10.2020.
The department trains specialists in English language (1-1-020306-01), English-German language (1-1-020306-01) and English-Chinese language (1-1-020306-01) spheres.
There are 19 members of teaching staff in the department who teach students in specialized educational subjects; 2 of them are candidates of philological sciences, 6 senior teachers, 10 assistants and 1 secretary. The head of the department is Murodov Bahriddin Rahmonovich, candidate of philological sciences.
The history of the creation of the department
The department was actually created in 1992 at the Faculty of Russian Philology as a department called the Department of Foreign Languages and Methods of Teaching and Mirzoev Zainalobiddin was appointed its first head. The following teachers worked at the department during its creation: Associate Professor Konkova Irina Pavlovna, Candidate of Philological Sciences Mamadrasulova Todzhiniso and Senior Lecturer Saidamirova Mukaddas Saidalievna, Saifudinova Tatyana Nikolaevna and Sobirova Ughulbi Sadulloevna.
Experienced teachers such as Murоdov Ghairatali, Sharipov Amrokhon, Yatimova Ranokhon. Many experienced and professional heads worked at the department. From 1993 to 2002 Mirzoev Zainalobuddin was the head of the department. From 2002 to 2006 the senior lecturer of the department, Sharipov Amrokhon worked as the head of the department. From 2006 to 2009 Sobirova Ughulbi worked as the head of the department and made efforts to train the staff of the faculty. From April to May 2013, the head of the department was a senior lecturer Saodat Sharifkhojaeva.
Murodov Bahriddin Rahmonovich was the head of the department from September 2013 to April 2014. From September 2014 to September 2015 the department was headed by Candidate of Philological Sciences Sadirova Bibinisso. From October 2015 to December 2016, the department was headed by senior lecturer Tabarov Sherafgan Nazirmadovich. From December 2017 to August 2017, the department was headed by senior lecturer Akobirova Sabagul. From September 2017 to March 2018, the head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Methods of Teaching them was Candidate of Philological Sciences Gulamadshoev Shokirsho Sherzodshevich, from April 2018 to March 2021, the head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Methods of Teaching Methods (now the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Typology) was in charge Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Jurakulov Bozorali Rakhmonalievich. Since September 2021, the head of the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Typology is the candidate of philological sciences Murodov Bahriddin Rahmonovich.
Saydamirova Mukaddas
senior teacher
Makhsudinov Ramazon
senior teacher
E-mail: mahsiddinov1989@inbox.ru
Saydalieva Fotima Obidovna
senior teacher
Saydalieva Zuhro Obidovna
senior teacher
Mirzoeva Zulfiya
Odinaev Komron
Mukimov Odina
Activities of the clubs in the department
In the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Typology operates the scientific club "I like English". The members of the club are the active students of educational groups and the graduate students of the faculty. The number of members of the scientific club has reached 30 participants. The scientific club is headed by the young teacher of the department, Odinaev Komron. The students give presentations on topics approved by the Department of Science and Innovation of the university and present themselves to the students during their participation in the club. In many cases, in the science club, teachers try to raise debates on the topics of problems in the study of foreign languages.
Jurakulov B.R . «English speaking countries
Saydamirova M. « English phonetics exercises»
Mahsudinov R. «I learn English».
Mirzoev Sh. «Base of the phonetics»
Mirzoev Sh. «TOEFL dictionary».
Akobirova S. Saidalieva Z.O. «Homophones».
Address: Kulob city, S.Safarov Street 16, Kul.S.U. named after A.Rudaki
Phone: 985479147
E-mail: bahriddinm@list.ru