Sunday, 09-March
The university department of Tajik language is an integral part of the structure of the institution of higher professional education and conducts educational, scientific-methodical activities among students and teachers. The teachers of the department are engaged in teaching in non-philological faculties on one subject - Tajik language (by specialization). It is necessary to note that the subject of the Tajik language in the educational plans of non-philological specialties has acquired a mandatory position and occupies a basic (basic) position in the formation of linguistic knowledge of students as a highly qualified specialist. During the teaching of the subject, information about the history of its origin, subject, structure and functions, theory and practice of study, methods and methods of researching the subject, the connection of the subject with human activity, the history of classical oratorical skills and its comparison with modern times and other aspects are presented.
In the academic year 2022-2023, 14 teachers are working in the department. Out of this number, 3 candidates of philological sciences - M. Kuvatova. A., Davlatova F. T., Mirzorahmatova G.M., 4 senior teachers - Muhammadjani A., Jalilova A., Zainuddinzoda N., Nasirova O.; 7 assistants - R. Kurbanzoda, B. Boboev, S. Haydarova, M. Cholova, Z. Kurbanova, H. Valieva, G. Jalilov аre.
In 1990, it operated as an independent department under the name of the department of teaching methods of Tajik language and literature. The subject of literature teaching methods and Tajik language teaching methods was taught in the department of Tajik language and literature (until 1967) and the department of Tajik literature and the department of Tajik language (1968-1990). Qualified teachers in the field of methodology Rustamov K.R., M. Kurbanov, A. Sharifov, K. Sangov were engaged in the teaching of these subjects and completed research and received the title of candidate of science. During this period, the head of this department was Kadir Rustamov (1990-2002), Qayum Sangov (2004-2009), G. Mirzoev (2010-2011), in 2011-2014 Mahtovbi Mirzoeva, Kholikova Z., Sodikov Y., Abdusamadzoda E.A., Zulfiev G., Jahangiri R. were responsible. Since this department was combined with the department of Tajik language, it was named the department of Tajik language and its teaching methods, which was headed by professor Juma Khan Alimi (2018-2021). Since September 2021, the department has become independent again with the title of the university-wide department of the Tajik language and is operating according to the regulations. Saravval, its manager is N.I.F. Shamshodi Jamshed (2021-2022) and from May 2022 until now. Kuvattova M.A. is responsible.
It goes without saying that in the academic year 2022-2023, most of the employees of the Tajik language department of the university are engaged in scientific and research work. The members of the department teach the subject of the Tajik language in the non-philological faculties of the university (by specialization) and the topics of their scientific work are related to various issues of linguistics and literature.
Quvvatova Muhabbat Abdulhamidovna
candidate of philological sciences, senior teacher, heard of the departmtnt
Muhammadjoni Abdulvohid
senior teacher
Davlatova Farogat Tulqunovna
candidate of philological sciences, senior teacher
Mirzorahmatova Gulnora Miralievna
candidate of philological sciences, senior teacher
Jalilova Anvarbi Nematovna
senior teacher
Boboev Bakhtovar Sulaimonkhonovich
Nosirova Olambi Safaralievna
senior teacher
Valieva Halima Subhonqulovna
Cholova Mayrambi Pirievna
Jalilov Golib Dustovich
Qurbonova Zikamo Abduqafurovna
Activities of the club and seminar of the department
In the department, along with the issues related to science, as well as in the development of scientific-research activities of students, they are constantly interested. In accordance with the work of the educational process and the basis of knowledge and skills of students' creative ability, the scientific club "Languist" operates in the department. Because along with other active forms of lessons, the organization of science clubs is also of great importance in the formation of students' knowledge and understanding, the development of their self-activity skills. The main purpose of the workshop is to systematize the acquired knowledge of students, direct them to different creative directions and encourage the use of additional materials.
Also, another goal of the club is aimed at developing scientific and creative abilities, increasing the taste for reading, improving independent research activities, gaining modern knowledge, as well as paying attention to national and cultural values, strengthening the sense of creativity and self-awareness. Permanent members of the club are students of non-philological faculties. A scientific-theoretical seminar is held at the department. The purpose of the seminar is, first of all, to involve teachers in scientific and research work, to improve speaking skills and specific scientific proposals.
Қувватова Муҳаббат дастури методӣ бо номи «Касбияти омӯзгорон ва фаъолияти педагогӣ», Душанбе, «Матбаа», 2022. 88 саҳ.
Қувватова М.А.Топонимия Нурека и его окрестностей . Душанбе,2021.240с.
Ҷумъахон Алимӣ, Бобоев Б. Омӯзиши забони тоҷикӣ ҳамчун забони хориҷӣ. Душанбе, «Матбаа», 2022. 310 саҳ.
Бобоев Б.С.Хусусиятҳои таркибии таълими лингвофарҳангӣ– Душанбе: Матбаа, 2021. – 100с.
Мирзораҳматова Г. Рӯзгор ва осори Мирзо Қадам / Г. Мирзораҳматова. – Душанбе: Матбаа, 2022. – 159с.
Мирзораҳматова Г.Фаъолияти педагогӣ ва усулҳои такмили тахассус(дастури таълимӣ-методӣ) – Душанбе: Матбаа, 2022. – 127с.
Address: Kulob city, str. S. Safarov 16, KSU named after A. Rudaki, educational building #1, 2nd floor
Phone: (+992988881697)
E-mail: k-zabon@kgu.tj