Friday, 28-March
Department of youth authority of Kulob State University named after Abuabdullah Rudaki is considered as one of the constituent structures of the University and its activities are based on the messages and instructions of the Leader of National Peace and Unity, Emomali Rahmon, Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Education", "National Concept of Education ", Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Regulation of Traditions and Celebrations and Ceremonies", Youth and Sports Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan "On regulating some issues of the process of education and training in primary, secondary and higher professional education", implementing the decisions of the Council of Scientists of the university and the board and other documents and standards of the Government of the Republic and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, and is carrying out many educational works. Every year, the department prepares a joint plan together with public organizations of the university and periodically implements the work based on it. The representatives of the department are in 10 faculties of the university and act as the head of the youth organization of the faculty.
After the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), the role and influence of the youth organization in the higher schools of Tajikistan increased, and it was considered one of the independent international organizations. Many socio-economic, spiritual and cultural issues were solved with the help and support of this political organization. In the academic year 1945-1946, 48 young people - Komsomol members were admitted to the first course at Kulob Institute: Siroj Odinaev. Aziz Ismailv. Sharif Sodikov, Kasim Turaev, Mirkhan Mirzoev, Kh. Yatimov, Bobo Samadov, Abdurrahman Rahimov, Bozor Qurbanov, Sulaiman Halimov, Rajab Davudov and others. The outstanding persons were the pioneers of the young people of the institute. The Komsomol organization, or youth itself, operates as an independent youth organization based on the indicators of its program and charter, making all its efforts to strengthen the discipline and morality among young people, to increase their work and educational activities, and the sense of responsibility among young people. He directed the protection of state, public and personal property, awakening of public consciousness, development of propaganda among the masses of the people on the implementation of state policy and strengthening of the new social structure.
During the 70 years of the existence of the Komsomol Committee of the institute or the youth organization of our university, the role of its leaders: Fateh Samadov, Nazrullo Sharifov, Abdullo Rahimov, Sultan Mrzoshoev, Abdullo Kurbanov, Said Salimov, Nazriddin Ziyavuddinov, Odina Sharif and ten others is very important. They were leaders in all aspects of student life.
Since 1992, in this youth organization S. Mirzoev, K. Gholomaliv. M.Sharifov, Z. Khalikova, I. Umarov, Kh. Jalilov, Zafar Odinev, Safarkhan Rafiev, Mohammadnaim Mirsaidov, Gadomad Zulfiev, Shahzod Rahimov, and Samandar Abdulloev were the leaders. Since January 2000, the department of work with youth was established in the university, where the manager and specialist of the department work.
From January 22, 2014, the head of the department is Mohammadjani Abduvahid, and the position of specialist of the department is Abdulloev Abdulaziz. Currently, the department of work with the souls of the university includes more than 7422 young people in its ranks. Youth organizations are also active in 9 faculties of the university.
From September 2021 until now, the head of the department is Navruz Razokov. Department of work with youth of the University includes more than 9 thousand young people in its ranks. Public organizations are active in 10 faculties of the University.
The department of work with youth carries out its activities in accordance with the instructions and orders of the Government of the Republic, the decisions and orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, the plans and programs of the Committee of Youth, Sports and Tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the decisions of the Council of Scientists of the University, and the joint work plan of public organizations of the University.
The aim and purpose of establishing the youth work department is as follows: participation in the implementation of the unified state policy on the implementation of the law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On the unified state policy of youth". Contributing to the development and implementation of university regulations on student issues. Implementation of students' creative potential. Development of cooperation, strengthening of friendship and unity of young people, students. Protecting the rights of students regardless of nationality, religion, social status, and income level for professional training and education. Attracting young people and students to the management and leadership of youth organizations and associations.Organization of unions, organizations of students. Cooperation with international organizations on issues of creative youth and students. All activities of the university youth organization are aimed at solving these issues.
Address: Kulob city, S. Safarov 16 Street. Kulob State University named after Abuabdullah Rudaki, administrative building, 2nd floor, room #206
Phone: (83322) 2 36 18
E-mail: javonon@kgu.tj