, Saturday, 08-February



About the department

The general university department of psychology is the main part of a higher educational institution, among students and teaching staff, engaged in educational, scientific and methodological work. The teachers of the department conduct classes in all faculties of the university and conduct lectures and seminars on general psychology, developmental and educational psychology, social psychology, as well as professional psychology.

Department history

The department of psychology of the university was formed on 02/10/1992 by order No. 7 and the decision of the University Council on 01/06/1992. The initial years of existence, teachers of the Department of Psychology were part of the Department of Pedagogy. Since 01/06/1992, the Department of Psychology was founded, it included R. Amirshoev, candidate of pedagogical sciences, the acting head of the department was candidate of psychological sciences T. Mustafoqulov, senior teachers Yarkaeva G.Sh., Narzulloeva M., assistants Isoeva D.S., Sabko L.N., Ashurov N., Abdurahimov A., Davlatova R. The Department of Psychology has not been active for so long and by order No. 68 of 15.09.1997 became part of the Department of Pedagogy.

By the decision of the Academic Council of the University dated December 30, 2005 under number No. 5 and order No. 6 dated January 25, 2006, the Department of Psychology left the Department of Pedagogy. The composition of the Department of Psychology consists of one candidate of psychological sciences (T.Mustafoqulov head of the department), two candidates of pedagogical sciences (R.Amirshoev, K.Majidova), two senior teachers (D.Isoeva, M.Baraimova). starting from 2007 to 2010, young specialists like M.Nabieva, M.Davlatov, M.Kurbonov, M.Abdulloeva, M.haidarov, A.Sharipov, M.jumaev accepted to work at the department.

On December 29, 2012, by the order of the rector of Kulyab State University named after Abuabdulloh Rudaki, No. 163 dated December 28, 2012, Isoev D.S. was appointed head of the department. Currently, the department has 3 associate professors (Isoeva D., Sharipov A. va K.Majidova), 6 senior teachers, 2 assistants, 2 undergraduates and one laboratory assistant.

Staff of the department

Исоева Д

 Isoeva Dilorom Saidahmadovna
 Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department

Шарипов А

 Sharipov  Anvar Abdusalomovich
 Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
  E-mail: ansorianvar@mail.ru



Қурбонов М

 Qurbonov Mahmadi Sattorovich
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior Lecture



Абдулоева М

 Abduloeva Mehriniso Mengulovna
 senior Lecture



Давлатов М

 Davlatov Mirali Abdusalomovich
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior Lecture


Ҷумаев М
  Jumaev Muhiddin  Rahmonalievich

Ҳайдаров М
 Haidarov Muslim Karimovich


Давлатова М
 Davlatov Malohat Habibulloevna
 senior Lecture

 Nabieva Muqaddas
  senior Lecture





  Izatova Nozanin
  senior Lecture


GhayurovSh    Ghayurov Shahrom

jalolova l
  Jalolova Layli
  laboratory assistant

The activities of the clubs

The department has a circle "Young psychologist". The circle forms its activities using innovative teaching methods, such as: the Internet, projectors and electronic boards. At the department, teachers will conduct their circle classes with students in order to keep them interested.

Purpose of the club::

-Preparation of students for further study of psychology cycles;
-Determine the role of education in the development of the psyche of students;
-For students to exercise and develop mental abilities while studying the cycles of psychological science.

Achievement of the department


Address: Kulob city, st. S. Safarov 16, KSU named after A. Rudaki, educational building No. 1, 2nd floor
Work phone: (+992) 985-03-25-10
E-mail: k-ravonshinosi@kgu