Sunday, 09-March
The Faculty of Economics and Management is a part of Kulob State University named after Aboabdullah Rudaki and plays a significant role in training highly qualified personnel for the economic sectors of the country.)
The Faculty of Economics and Management was established on April 6, 2014 by the order of the Rector of the University under No. 57, and is considered one of the largest faculties of Kulob State University.)
The Faculty of Economics and Management was established on the basis of the Faculty of Economics and started its activity as an independent unit in August 1992. The basis of the faculty was the department of economic theory, which at that time consisted of 8 professors and teachers.)
From 06.04. In 2014, under number 57, by order of the rector of the university, this faculty was renewed into two separate faculties: Economics and Management and Finance and Economics.
From 16.01.2018, according to the order of the rector of the university No. 13 on changes to the structure of the university, the faculties of Economics and Management and Finance and Economics were united and named the Faculty of Finance and Economics.)
From 21.09.2019, under the order of the rector of the university No. 146, changes were made to the structure of the Faculty of Finance and Economics, and the Faculty of Finance and Economics was renamed to the faculties of "Economics and Management" and "Finance and Economics".
At different stages of the history of the faculty, the following teachers worked as dean of the faculty)J
By the decision of the Council of scientists of the university, changes were made to the structure of the faculty from 01.07.2022, and the department of tourism geography was included in the structure of the faculty.)
Faculty of Economics with the initiative and visionary efforts of respected teachers, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Sharifov Z.S., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Fazliddinov S., Candidates of Economics Sharifov F.N., Konkova A.A., Kurbanaliev B.K. , and also Abdurakhmonov U. Jalilov S., Latipov M., Boboev F., Salimov Sh., Bobokhujyaev S., Gulomnabiev K., Ivazov A., who were involved from various sectors of the national economy, were organized as an independent structure in August 1992.
Regardless of the difficult living conditions and the difficulty of work in the conditions of the civil war of the Republic of Tajikistan, the mentioned teachers were able to contribute to the development of education and training of students and the revival of a new school of economists in the city of Kulob.)
The basis of the faculty in the year of its establishment was the department of economic theory, which at that time had 8 teachers. Among them were 4 candidates of science, 2 senior teachers and 2 assistants. In 1994, the Department of Accounting and Analysis of Economic Activity (head of the department Associate Professor O. Juraev) and the Department of Planning and Foresight (head of the Department Associate Professor Rasulov N.S.) were established in 1994 on the basis of the Department of Economic Theory.)
From 12 to 16 teachers worked in these departments in different years. As a result of the change in the nomenclature of the training of specialists in 1998, the departments of the faculty were transformed into the Department of Accounting and Auditing (head of the department Associate Professor O. Juraev) and the Department of Management (head of the Department Associate Professor Rasulov N.S.). It is worth mentioning that in the same year, the Department of Economic Geography was opened in the Department of Management, which began to train specialists for teaching geography in secondary schools. For the first time in 2003, 18 students graduated from this department with the specialty of geography teacher.
deputy dean for science, innovation and international relations
deputy dean for education
№ |
1. |
Расулова Лутфия Нарулиевна |
Председатель ученых, Совета кандидат экономических наук, доцент, декан факультета |
2. |
Ибодова Мавзуна Наҷбудиновна |
Секретарь, старший преподаватель кафедры экономика, предприятия и предпринимательства |
3. |
Мирзоев Тоҳирҷон Зайниддинович |
Заместитель декана по учебной работе |
4. |
Гулов Рустам Ботурхонович |
Заместитель декана по воспитательной работе |
5. |
Сафарзода Мунир Ватан |
кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры менеджмент и маркетинга |
6. |
Гадоев Шералӣ Давлатович |
кандидат географических наук, доцент, заведующая кафедрой географии и туризма |
7. |
Ҳакимов Абдуразоқ Саидиброҳимович |
Старший преподаватель заведующей кафедрой экономика, предприятие и предпринимательство |
8. |
Баротов Ҷумахон |
кандидат географических наук, доцент, заведующая кафедрой географии и туризма |
9. |
Шарипова Файзигул Давлатмадовна |
кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры менеджмент и маркетинга |
10. |
Каҷкулоев Абдухолиқ Фатҳуллоевич |
кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры экономика, предприятия и предпринимательства |
11. |
Содиқов Зафаршо Сайҷаъфарович |
кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры менеджмент и маркетинга |
12. |
Иброҳимова Рухшона |
кандидат географических наук, доцент, заведующая кафедрой географии и туризма |
13. |
Нуралиева Миҷгона Давлаталиевна |
Роҳбари бахши таҷрибаомӯзии факултет |
14. |
Назаров Муродалӣ Солеҳович |
Раиси иттифоқи касабаи донишҷӯён |
15. |
Доутова Адиба Раҷабалиевна |
Председатель Женского Совета |
Сипосномаи МИҲД вилояти Хатлон ба Гадоев Шералӣ барои омода намудани донишҷӯён дар озмуни "Илм-фуруғи маърифат"
Сипосномаи ректори Донишгоҳи давлатии Кӯлоб ба номи Абуабдуллоҳи Рудакӣ ба Гадоев Шералӣ ҷиҳати иштирок ва ғолибият дар даври вилоятии озмуни "Илм-фуруғи маърифат"
Сипосномаи КИ ҲХДТ дар шаҳри Кӯлоб ба Расулова Лутфия бахшида ба Рӯзи Модар
Сипосномаи ректори Донишгоҳи давлатии Кӯлоб ба номи Абуабдуллоҳи Рудакӣ ба Баротов Ҷумахон Қосимович ҷиҳати иштирок ва ғолибият дар даври вилоятии озмуни "Илм-фуруғи маърифат"
Ифтихорномаи Академияи миллии илмҳои Тоҷикитон ба Гадоев Шералӣ барои иштироки фаъолона дар озмуни "Илм-фуруғи маърифат"
Ифтихорномаи Академияи миллии илмҳои Тоҷикитон ба Мадасани Азизмад барои иштироки фаъолона дар озмуни "Илм-фуруғи маърифат"
Ба Сафарова Муборак Бобохоновна саромӯзгори кафедраи Менеҷмент ва маркетинг барои иштирок дар озмуни умумидонишгоҳии «Лоиҳаи беҳтарини инноватсионӣ»
Ба Сафарова Муборак Бобохоновна саромӯзгори кафедраи Менеҷмент ва маркетинг барои ишғоли ҷои якум дар озмуни «Бонуи донишгоҳ - 2017» бахшида ба «Рӯзи модарон».
Сипосномаи Раёсати кор бо ҷавонон ва варзиши вилояти Хатлон ба н.и.и.,Расулова Лутфия Нуралиевна барои саҳми арзанда дар татбиқи сиёсати дастгирии ҷавонон
Диплом ба Сафарова Муборак Бобохоновна, мудири кафедраи Менеҷмент ва маркетинг барои иштирок дар Форуми байналмилалии «Илм ва инноватсия – консепсияҳои муосир». Москва. Федератсия Россия, 2019.
Сертификат ба Сафарова Муборак Бобохоновна, мудири кафедраи Менеҷмент ва маркетинг барои иштирок дар Симпозиуми байналмилалии «Тағйири падидаи «фирори мағзҳо» ба «гардиши ақлҳо» дар Осиёи Марказӣ». Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон, 2019.
Адрес: Кулябский государственный университет им. А. Рудаки, корпус №3
Телефон: 83322 2-30-08
E-mail: r.lutfiya@mail.ru