, Tuesday, 21-January



About the department

Although the Council of Foreign Languages ​​was established at the institute only in the academic year 1992-1993, the Department of Foreign Languages ​​has existed since 1967. In the first years of the institute's existence, teachers of foreign languages ​​were included in the faculty of Russian language and literature. Already in 1957, an experienced teacher of foreign languages, Irina Pavlovna Krnikova, was sent to work here from the Dushanbe Pedagogical Institute named after T.G. Shevchenko. In the academic years of 1967-1968, after graduating from the Faculty of Foreign Languages, T. Mamadrasulova was sent. The team of teachers of the department taught English, German, and Arabic languages ​​to students of all faculties of the institute. For more than 16 years, this department was headed by associate professor I.P. Konkova. In his work, he brought many students to maturity. In establishing the department of foreign languages ​​and its department, I. P. Konkova played. In the academic year 1979-1980, the following teachers and instructors were involved in the education of students in the department: I.P. Konkova - associate professor, head of the department, T. Mamadrasulova - senior teacher, as well as teachers: V.I. Bogasova, M.S. Saidamirova, T.A. Saifuddinova, Z. Mirzoev, S. Zaurov, M.T. Menlashev, F.A. Menlasheva, Sh. Rahimov, R. Safarova, U. Sobirova, I. D. Isobaeva.

It should be emphasized that the department was provided with teachers of foreign languages ​​in the academic year 1970-1980. The core of the department's members were those teachers who had teaching experience at the institute.

History of the department

In 1992, at the Kulob State Institute, now the Kulob State University, the rector was academician Karimov Samariddin, the department of English was established in the faculty of Russian language and literature.

Only one group of 28 students was admitted to the department.

The group was accepted by conversation and almost all of them came after special schools and were worthy of the department.

The best teachers, such as docent Konkova Irina Pavlovna, Mamadrasulova Tojinisso - candidate of philological sciences, and senior teachers Saydamirova Saydalievna, Sayfudinova Tatiana Nikolaevna and Sobirova Ugulbi Sadulloevna taught in the department.

Experienced teachers such as Muradov Gairatali, Sharipov Amrokhan, Yatimova Ranakhan worked in the department.

In 1993, the Department of English Language was opened at the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature, the director of which was Mirzoev Zainalobuddin, who is currently a candidate of science, dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Dangara Institute. In the history of the department's activity, several experienced and professional managers worked, the beginning of the activity of the English language department was started by Mirzoev Zainalobuddin, after that the senior teacher of the English language department Sharipov Amrokhan took the position of manager. After the manager of the late Sharipov, Murodali Nabiev took charge of the manager's position, and after that, Sobirova Ugulbi, a senior teacher, a professional and experienced teacher, a teacher who devoted her time to the activities of the faculty of foreign philology. The teacher doubled the direction and activity of the department in the development of young scientists.

Department staff

Шарипов Х
 Sharipov Khurshed
 Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Head of the department

Давлатов Ф  
 Davlatov Faiziddin Jamilovich
 senior teacher

Гуламадшоев Ш
 Gulahmadshoev Shokirsho Sherzodshoevich
 Candidate of philological sciences, docent


Саидов М

Saidov Muhammad

Candidate of philology sciences 


Ҳусайнова Ф

Husaynova Farida 
Senior teacher

Робияи А
 Robiya Abdusamad

Раҷабова Ҷ
 Rajabova Jamila

Ҳалимова Д
 Halimova Dilnoza

Activities of clubs in the department

The department has a "Language - World Knowledge" club, which is held once a month by responsible teachers and students. The class is conducted using active teaching methods such as the Internet, a projector, and an electronic board. Since there are also Arabic speakers in the department, the club will be even more interesting.

 Достижения кафедры


Address: Kulob city, str. S. Safarov 16, KSU named after A. Rudaki, administrative building, 6th floor, room #612
Рhone: (+992) 985891160
E-mail: k-zabonhoi.khoriji@kgu.tj