Friday, 07-March
The Department of training and retraining of scientific and pedagogical personnel (TRSPP) was created on the basis of the recommendation of the State supervision service in the field of education (now the Agency for supervision in the field of education and science under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan) on the basis of the Department of Master's and Postgraduate Studies by order of the rector of the university №24, 18.02.2019 with the aim of organizing, coordinating and supervising the activities of the university in training highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in accordance with modern requirements.
Master's and doctor of philosophy (PhD) in the specialty are the level of higher professional education, the purpose of which is to provide various sectors of the national economy and the system of science and education of the Republic of Tajikistan with highly qualified specialists and scientific and pedagogical personnel. The creation of a department of master's and doctor of philosophy (PhD) in the specialty is carried out to comply with international education standards and provide the necessary conditions for the recognition of diplomas of higher professional education of the Republic of Tajikistan at the international level.
These levels of education are established by order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan in higher educational institutions that have scientific and methodological capabilities and a material and technical base. The duration of full-time master's studies is 2 years, and doctor of philosophy (PhD) studies in the specialty are 3 years.
The (TRSPP) department manages the process of educational, scientific and research activities of undergraduates, doctoral students (PhD) in specialties, as well as applicants both from the university itself and from outside.
Qurbonova Umeda
Head of the Department
Sulaymonov Ubaydullo
Leading Specialist
Halimova Farishtamo
Address: Kulob, S. Safarov 16 street, KSU named after A. Rudaki, administrative building, 3rd floor, room #302-304
Phone: (+992 3322) 2-59-63
E_mail: muhaqqiq@kgu.tj