, Saturday, 22-February

SPECIALIZED DEPARTMENTS» Civil defense and military defense preparation


About the department

The department of civil defense and military defense preparation is part of the structure of the higher professional education institution and conducts educational, scientific-methodological activities among students and teachers. The teachers of the department conduct practical training in various faculties of civil defense and military defense preparation by specialization: first medical aid, military defense preparation subjects, basics of military legislation, military regulations. Candidates of pedagogical sciences, assistants teach in the department.

History of the department

Department of Civil Defense has existed since 1966. In the first years of the institute's existence, the heads of the department of civil defense were Niyazov M., Hidaev O.S., Hafizov S., Qodirov M. and from 2005 to 2008 Abdulloev A. Since 2008 Gulmirzoev A. From 2009 to 2010 Abdulloev D. Since 2010, they have been appointed temporarily. Satorov Kh. He was appointed from 2010 to 2011. Head of the Department of Physical Education and Civil Defense Tabarov M.T. From 2012-2015, the head of the department was Gulmirzoev AD Gulmirzoev. From 2016-2017 Amirov F and from 2017-2018 Safarov Sh, Gulmirzoev A from 2018 to 2021, Azimov R. from 2021 to 2024,  until may 2024 the head coach Abdullojoni H. is in charge.                                                               

Department staff

abdulojoni a

  Abdullojoni Hamrokhon
  head of the department

Азимов Р
 Azimov Rajabali Karimovich
  senior teacher

Гулмирзода А

Gulmirzoev Abdulhamid Durmenovich
associate professor of the department

Абдулоев Д

 Abdulloev Daniyar
 senior teacher


Сафаров Ш


Safarov Shirinjon Quvvatalievich
senior teacher
Email: shirinchon.safarov@mail.ru

Ҷалилов Ғ
  Jalilov Gholib Dustovich

Исмонов М
 Ismonov Mahmaddulo Mustafoquvich


Бобохонова М

Bobokhanova Mohsafar Haqnazarovna


The club of the department

The department has a club called "Young defenders" headed by G. Jalilov is related. The club's work plan was approved on time. The meeting is held once a month. The club has 35 students and operates regularly.

Scientific-methodical seminar of the department

Department educational programs, syllabi, lecture bank has Scientific-research works of the department1-person Safarov Sh. is engaged in scientific research.

Achievements of the department


1 Gulmirzoev A.D. "Didactic conditions for the formation of the intellectual and prognostic potential of the knowledge of the future chemistry teacher in the process of studying at the university." Dushanbe. (2019).

Brief terminological dictionary for emergency situations. Kulob-2020.



3Abdulloev Donyor : Brief explanation of emergency and civil defense terms



Abdulloev Doner:
Emergencies and civil defense



Address: Kulob, st. S. Safarova 16, KSU named after A. Rudaki, educational building No. 1, 1st floor, office No. 206
Work phone: (+992) 918941938
Email: k-mudofiai.shahrvandi@kgu.tj