, Friday, 28-March

FACULTIES» Physics and mathematics


    Faculty of Physics and Mathematics

On August 15, 1945, by decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, a state institute for teacher training was established on the basis of the Kulob Pedagogical School. At the beginning, the institute was formed as part of three faculties: History and Philology, Physics and Mathematics, Natural History and Geography. The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics is considered one of the first faculties of the institute, which began its activities in very difficult living conditions.


The faculty operates in the department

  1. Department of Mathematics and methods of its teaching department by order No. 13 was formed at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Kulob State University. At that time the head of department was candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Niyazov Jonmakhmad Murodovich .
  2. Department of Mathematical Analysis and Theory of Functions. In 1981 Department was formed at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Kulob State University named after Abuabdulloh Rudaki. The head of department was candidate of physics and mathematical sciences Nazokat Karimova Sheralievna .
  3. Department of General Theoretical Physics. The department was founded in 2020 at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Kulob State University named after Abuabdulloh Rudaki. The head of department is candidate of physics and mathematical sciences Akramova Rukhshona Yatimovna .
  1. Department of teaching methods of physics and technology of materials. The department was established in 2020 at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Kulob State University named after Abuabdulloh Rudaki.  The head of department is the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) with a specialty in physics (Pedagogy) Parvinai Usmon Safarzoda .
  1. Department of Computer Science. Department by order No. 125 from June 12 in 2013, it was formed at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Kulob State University named after Abuabdulloh Rudaki. The head of the department is candidate of technical sciences Sharipov Alamsho Partoevich .
  2. Department of Computer Science Teaching Methods. Department by order No. 180 was formed in 2021 at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Kulob State University named after Abuabdulloh Rudaki. The head of the department is candidate of pedagogical sciences Safarov Saitojiddin Saykamolovich .

History of the faculty

Kulob State Institute was formed in 1945 at the Pedagogical School at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics where only students studied: Gafur Nurmatov , Sharif Ziyoyev , Kakim Kodirov , Khudoydod Sangov , Sharif Masanov , Khamrokhon Fayziev, who successfully graduated from the institute.

In the 1946-1947 academic year, 20 students entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, which indicates an increase in the number of students. After two years of its activity, the faculty took possession of its specific form and structure. The best teachers worked at the faculty. The first dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was Azamov Akbar. He was a very honest and efficient person and always tried to improve things at the faculty. He always took the necessary measures to attract the best specialists to the faculty. From the first days of education, only one department operated at the faculty - this department of physics and mathematics. Then the following subjects were taught:  Elementary mathematics, higher mathematics, history of mathematics, methods of teaching mathematics, general physics, methods of teaching physics, drawing, drawing and other subjects that were considered the main, dominant subjects. In the first years of study, students of the faculty experienced a number of difficulties. Because of this, some students eventually abandoned their studies. In 1948, only 7 people received a diploma from the faculty - Barot Akbarov, Esanbek Abdulloev , Gulbiniso Asoeva , Fotima Akhmadvalieva , A. Khafizov , Turksan Umarov, Turon Kodirov and others. The first teachers (mentors) of the faculty and department of physics and mathematics were Azam Akbarov and A. Razokov , who taught such subjects (disciplines) as: higher mathematics, history of mathematics and physics, general physics, theoretical physics, methods of teaching physics and others. After 7 years of education, that is, in the 1952-1953 academic year, the number of students entering the faculty was only 24, which was slightly more than in previous years. In 1952, graduates of the faculty Habibullo Iskandarov and Sharif Umarov graduated from the faculty with a diploma with honors. Then this indicator was considered a high indicator for that time. In these post-war years, the government of the country did everything possible to ensure that the population was literate. It is important to note that in the 1952-1953 academic year, 92 graduates graduated from the institute, of which 20 students graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. During its existence - 1945-1953, the institute trained more than 900 specialists in full-time and part-time departments, which is 30% of graduates of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. New schools and kindergartens were created throughout the republic, including in the Kulob region. For example, in 1950, in the Kulob region there were 550 secondary schools, in which more than 45 thousand schoolchildren studied. Then the director of the institute did everything possible to attract young people from all over the region and the republic to study, in order to provide schools with the necessary personnel and specialists. Then the director of the institute was Khudoynazar Makhmadnazarov . Year after year, the need of society has increased in order to increase the number of graduates of the institute. In 1953, a 4-year pedagogical institute was established in the city of Kulob and Ashraf Sidikov worked here as director. At that time, this pedagogical institute had only 5 faculties, including the faculty of physics and mathematics, which carried out its activities as one of the components of this institute. In 1960, the Pedagogical Institute of the city of Kulob was liquidated and was appointed as a branch of the Pedagogical Institute named after T.G. Shevchenko of the city of Dushanbe. Therefore, some teachers went to work in Dushanbe. And some other teachers continued their activities in this branch. At that time, senior teachers Sayidkhuja Azizov, Khorkash worked at the department of mathematics of the faculty Kodirov , Gulbek teachers Ashurmamadov , Sharif Rakhmonov, Ruzimurod Satorov , Sharif Umar, senior teachers Mirzo Sultonov , Sayijon Mirzoev, teachers R.F. Ivanov , Abdullo worked at the physics department Soliev , S. Sitamov , S. Sultonov and others. On July 27, 1962, by the decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Tajikistan and the Council of Ministers of the Republic, the branch of the Kulob Pedagogical Institute was again renamed into an independent pedagogical institute. The Gift of Salt In 1965-1966, the number of students at the institute reached 1,485 people. The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics during this period was considered one of the prestigious faculties of the institute. During this time, the Department of Physics and Mathematics has created the most favorable conditions for all leading teachers in order to improve the quality of teaching and education at the faculty. The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics operated until the 1975-1976 academic year and then was divided into two faculties: mathematics and physics. At the beginning of the division, 444 students were studying in the 5th year of the faculty. Then the dean of the faculty was Sharif Ramonov . From October 1976 to March 1981 Islam Gulomov was the dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. The main problem of the faculty was strengthening the personnel base. The administration of the institute saw a solution to this problem precisely in the training of specialists within the walls of the faculty. On the initiative of the head. The Department of Higher Mathematics Sayidhuja Azizov at the Faculty has the opportunity to restore scientific cooperation with scientific research centers in the cities of Minsk, Kiev, Leningrad, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Alma-Ata, Toshkent and others. This is an opportunity for the following teachers to defend their dissertations and, in this regard, to prepare highly qualified personnel for the faculty such as: I. Gulomov , J. Safarov , S. Isroilov , Kh. Nematov , A. Khakimov , A. Ismatulloev , O. Juraev , N. Rasulov , D. Jalilov , A. Abdulazizov , E. Zaripov , S. Tagaynazarov , T. Makhmudov , A. Pirnazarov , R. Akbarov and others. It is important to note that during 1980-1994 at the Faculty of Mathematics R. Akbarov , A. Kakimov , O. Juraev , E. Zaripov , S. Tagaynazarov , S. Azizov , A. Abdulazizov , N. Rasulov precisely with the support of Russian and Belarusian scientists defended their scientific dissertations and worked at the faculty with renewed vigor. Other teachers of the faculty S. Isroilov , J. Sharifov , J. Safarov , T. Makhmudov , Kh. Nematov defended their scientific dissertations on methods of teaching mathematics and became candidates of science. The faculty's personnel base, compared to other faculties, was then in a good situation, because at least three candidates of science worked in each department. After the Pedagogical Institute was renamed Kulob State University and then the same faculty operated. During the Civil War, many teachers left their jobs for many reasons. The personnel base has now become very weak compared to previous years. But despite this, some famous scientists of the faculty such as R. Akbarov , I. Gulomov , T. Mahmudov , A. Abdulazizov continued their activities at the faculty in difficult conditions. I. Rakhmatullo Akbarov was the dean of the faculty until 2003. From 2003 to 2005, Abdulkhakim Abdulazizov worked as the dean of the faculty. From 2005 to 2007, the dean of the faculty was Kugan Izatulloev did a lot to ensure that the faculty retained its former prestige. Especially office work at the faculty was then at the proper required level. From 2007 to 2009, the dean of the faculty was T. Davlatov . During this time, the number of incoming students at the faculty increased. At that time, the faculty operated such specialties as general mathematics, practical mathematics and computer science based on new curricula. From 2009 to 2011, the dean of the faculty was Goibnazar Khalimov . During this time, some teachers defended their scientific dissertations. From 1995-2005, the dean of the Faculty of Physics was S. Gafforov . as we noted above, this period was considered a very difficult period for the faculty. Because many established teachers left their jobs due to difficult living conditions. But during this time, in order to improve educational and educational work, such famous scientists of the faculty as S. Karimov , S. Gafforov , A. Zarizoda , A. Saydaliev and others worked very stably and efficiently. Now, along with existing specialties, new specialties have opened, such as radiophysics , technology and others. From 2005 to 2007, the dean of the Faculty of Physics was A. Zarifzoda . He also worked very steadily to improve educational work at the faculty. He paid great and close attention to improvement in the departments and laboratories of the faculty. And this certainly influenced the fact that the faculty actually developed over time. During this time, many capable graduates remained working at the faculty and began to diligently engage in research work. From 2007 to 2009 and then from 2009 to 2011, senior lecturer Saydaliye Aziz worked as the dean of the faculty. He tried, at the expense of young people, to prepare future teachers for the departments of the faculty. Young teachers of the faculty in various areas began to engage in research work, for example : M. Kalandarov , Barotov N, Youbov A., Gulmadov U., Safaralie F and others. In 2012, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science merged. From 2012 to 2014, the deans of the faculty were E. Pirnazarov , D. Kurbonov , K. Turaev and Sh. Sharipov . During the years of its existence, the faculty was headed by the following individuals: Gulomov Islam (1972-1973) and (1976-1981), Karimov Samariddin Karimovich (1981-1984), Sultonov Sulaimon (1984-1987), Salimov Kurbonali (1995-1997), Gafforov Sattor (1995-2005), Akbarov Rakhmatullo (1998-2004), Abdulazizov Abdulkhakim (2004-2005), Abdulkarim Zarifzoda (2005-2007), Izatulloev Kugan (2005-2008), Davlatov Tulkun (2008-2009), Saydaliev Abdulaziz (2009-2011), Turaev Kurbon (2012-2013), Azimov Sayidibrokhim (2013-2016), Safarov Munir (2016-2018), Imomov Zafar (2018-2021), Dalatov Rakhmonali from 2021 until now.

Faculty structure



samaridinova z

 Декан, кандидат педагогических наук



  Nodirov Komiljon Alimurodovich
Deputy Dean for Daytime Education



Ашурова С

Ashurova Saodvt Murodalievna
Deputy Dean for Educational Work

kulobiev m


Deputy Dean for distance education



Deputy Dean for science and innovation


Одинаева Г

Odinaeva Gadoibi




Full Name

Job title


Samardinova Z.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty, Chairman


Khafizov A.M.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Deputy Dean for Distance Learning


Nodirov K.A.

Deputy Dean for Daytime Studies, Deputy Chairman


Ashurova S.M.

Deputy Dean for Educational Work


Ubaidulloi A.

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics and its Teaching Methods, Secretary


Karimova N.Sh.

Candidate of Physics - Mathematical Sciences, Head. Department of Mathematical Analysis and Theory of Functions


Niyozov J.M. _

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head. Department of Mathematics and Methods of its training


Akramova R.Ya.

Candidate of Physics - Mathematical Sciences, Head. Department of General Theoretical Physics


Parvinai U.S.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head. Department of Methods of Teaching Physics and Mathematics


Sharipov A.P.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head. Department of Computer Science


Safarov S.S.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head. Department of Computer Science Teaching Methods


Niyozov Sh.

Chairman of the Faculty of Pedagogical Practice


Karshiev A.J. _

Chairman of the Faculty Youth Union



The faculty took 3rd place in the university competition called “ Hunar” ganiya bebavo ”, dedicated to the “Year of Development of Tourism and Folk Crafts” and the celebration of the international holiday “Navruz”.


The faculty was awarded a Certificate of Honor at the competition showing folk crafts, which took place on Wednesday among 9 faculties of the university.


The faculty's team of athletes took 3rd place in the volleyball competition, which was organized on the initiative of the TCE LL company .


Sulaimonov Ubaydullo in 2017, in a university competition that took place among undergraduates of the university faculties, dedicated to the Year of Youth, was declared master's students of the year and was awarded a Certificate of Honor and cash prizes.




Kalandarov Saydasror , a senior teacher at the Department of Physics, Mathematics and its teaching methods at the Republican Institute for Teacher Training, took a training course and received a Certificate of Training in 2017.




Safaraliev Farhod, an assistant at the department of physics, mathematics and its teaching, attended the Teacher Training Institute in 2017 and received a Certificate of Training.

Adress: Kulob, S. Safarov street 16, KSU named after Rudaki, campus No4
Phone: (+992 83322) 2-30-08
Email: fizika.matematika@kgu.tj

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