Friday, 14-February
The Department Method of Teaching Informatics is a structural component of a professional educational institution and educational, scientific and methodological work is carried out among students and teachers. The teachers of the department teach at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and at all faculties of the university profile subjects related to the department. There are 17 employees are engaged in researching work, teaching and educational activities at the department. The department’s staff: 1 doctor of science, professor, freelancer, 2 candidates of science, associate professor, 4 teachers and 10 assistants, 1 clerk of the department.
There are 5 employees worked in department as (Afizov S., Pirov M., Makhsiddinov B., Bobokhonov Zh. and Gulov D.), who are engaged researching work.
From 17-th of August in 2021 year, the basis of the order of the Rector of University №180, the Department cbecame independent from the Department of Computer Science. Its first head is Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer Safarov Saitojiddin Saidkamolovich.
Safarov Saytojiddin Saidkamolovich
Head of department, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
E-mail: saytojiddin-88@mail.ru
Bobokhonov Jamshed Sabzaalievich
E-mail: boboshonov-7447@mail.ru
Afizov Suhrob Khursandovich
Senior lecturer
E-mail: suhrob.afizov@mail.ru
Sufiev Khairiddin Latifovich
E-mail: khayriddin_sufie@mail.ru
Mahsiddinov Bakhtovar Sadriddinovich
E-mail: bakhtovar89.89@mail.ru
Rahimova Sarvinoz Nazrulloevna
E-mail: Sarvinoz.rakhimova94@mail.ru
Nazarov Abduqodir Mudinovich
E-mail: behruz.199@mai.ru
Gulov Daler
E-mail: gulov-1988@bk.ru
Ashurova Saodat Murodalievna
Senior lecturer
E-mail: saodat_81@mail.ru
Daminova Qurbonbi Iskandarovna
Senior lecturer
Odinaev Abdulfaiz Roziqovich
Senior lecturer
Hafizov Alisher
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior lecturer
E-mail: alisher-08@list.ru
The activities of the circles of the department
The department has a scientific seminar and a circle of "young informatics". The circle is held every two months. Over the past 2 years, the department has initiated 2 scientific events at the university level: 1 conference and conference on the topic "The use of information and communication technologies in the teaching of natural sciences, exact sciences", dedicated to 2020-2040. "Twenty years of teaching and development of natural sciences, exact sciences in the field of science and education"
Achievements of the department
Safarov M.V. Afizov Sukhrob "Information technology" Collection of exercises. Dushanbe: 2022.-230 p.
Ashurova Saodat Murodalievna "The theory of distance teaching in the educational environment" (Monograph) Dushanbe 96 pages
Adress: Kulob city, st. S. Safarov 16, KSU named after A. Rudaki, educational building №4, 2nd floor, room No. 213
Phone: (+992) 985.26.77.57
E-mail: saytojiddin-88@mail.ru