, Saturday, 22-February

SPECIALIZED DEPARTMENTS» History of tajik nation


About the department

The department of the history of the Tajik people is a structural part of a higher professional educational institution and conducts educational, scientific and methodological work among students and teachers. The teachers of the department mainly teach subjects related to the department of both at the Faculty of History, Law and International Relations, and at non-core faculties. The department has 20 employees, including 15 permanent employees, 4 internal employees and 1 laboratory assistant. All teachers of the department are engaged in research work.

All teachers at the department conduct research work. The average age of the staff of the department is 35 years.

Department history

The Department of Tajik Folk History was established at the Faculty of History, Law and International Relations on September 4, 2019 in accordance with order No. 95 of the rector of Kulyab State University named after Abuabdulloh Rudaki. At the beginning of its creation, its members of the department were 17 people. The department employs: Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Bokiev R.U., Doctor of History. , Professor Abdulloev M.Kh., Ph.D. Kholmurodova M., teachers Safarov H., Isufov Sh., Badalov I., Sobirov S., assistants Ismoilov Z., Huseini B., Farizai D., Shamsia T., Alimov K., Davudova Z., Kholova G. Department Khabibulloeva Sh.

Over the years, the department was headed by:

Head of the Department of Fundamentals of Marxism, Leninism

  1. Abdurahimov Boyan Temirgashevich 1950-1951
  2. Makhmadnazarov Khudoynazarov 1951-1953
  3. Sidikov Ashraf 1953-1958
  4. Nazarshoev Moyonsho Nazarshoevich 1958-1960

Head of the Department of History of the CPSU

  1. Karimov Temur Rustamovich 1964-1972
  2. Saprikin Konstantin 1972-1973
  3. Kadyrov Tuni Bakirovich 1973-1974
  4. Bagirov Hussein Bagirovich 1975-1976
  5. Sharifov Dosti 1976-1983
  6. Yunusov Saidakhtam Saidalievich 1983-1986
  7. Sharifov Dosti 1986-1991

Department of History and Social Policy

  1. Yunusov Saidakhtam Saydalievich 1991-1992

Head of the Department of National History and Economic Theory

  1. Yunusov Saidakhtam Saydalievich 1992-2002
  2. Abdulloev Mahmud Kholovich 2002-2008

Heads of the Department of History of the Tajik people

  1. Sharifov Dosti 2002-2008
  2. Abdulloev Mahmud Kholovich 2008-2013
  3. Alloeva Halima 2013-2014
  4. Safarov Holmad 2014-2015
  5. Bokiev Ruzibek 2015-2017
  6. Muradova Gulchehra 2017-2018
  7. Bokiev Ruzibek 2018-2021
  8. Sufiev Sadriddin 2021 present

 Department staff

Суфиев С

Sufiev Sadriddin Nasriddinovich
Senior Lecturer, Head of Department

Абдулоев М

Abdulloev Mahmud Kholovich
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

Боқиев Р
 Bokiev Ruzibek Usmonovich
  Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor

Сафаров Х

Safarov Kholmad Khorkashovich
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Art. teacher


Исмоилова З

Ismailov Zafar Ibragimovich


Исуфов Ш
 Isufov Sherdil Vatanovich
 Senior Lecturer

Шамсияи Т
 Shamsia Toirkhon

Алимов Қ
 Alimov Kobil Shokhmurodovich

Холмуродзода М
 Holmurodzoda Mehrafruz
 Candidate of Historical Sciences

Ҳусейни Б

Husseini Bobojon

Собиров С

 Sobirov Sayod Ramazonovich
 Senior Lecturer


Фаризаи Д
 Farizai Davlatmurod

Давлатов Х
 Davlatov Khudoyor Saidakhmadovich

Давлатмуродов Қ
 Davlatmurodov Kurbonali Khaidaralievich

The activities of the circle and the seminar at the department

There is a scientific circle "Young Historians" at the department. The circle is held twice a month. The circle is headed by assistant Davlatmurodov Kurbonali. The secretary of the scientific circle is G.I. Isupov.

It should be emphasized that the circle "Young Historians" has been operating since the foundation of the department. Members of the circle are active students of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th  of year of the Faculty of History, Law and International Relations.

Members of the circle make presentations at scientific conferences of the faculty of the university.

The department also conducts a scientific and methodological seminar. Currently, the head of the scientific and methodological seminar is Ph.D. Safarov Kh.Kh.

Achievements of the department

 Abdulloev M.Kh., Juraev B.J. Flower garden of education. Dushanbe 2019

Abdulloev M.Kh. From the history of Soviet universities in Kulyab

Abduloev M.Kh. From the history of the Soviet school in Tajikistan (1959-1970). Dushanbe: 2010

Safarov H.Kh., Husseini B. Collection of tests on historiography, history of the Tajik people and Russia


 Abdulloev M.Kh., Azamov Kh.S., Alloeva Kh.Kh. The book "The term and education of Tajikistan in the years of state independence." Dushanbe. 2016. 100 p.


Abdulloev M.Kh. Book. "Education of Tajikistan". Dushanbe.


 Kholmurodova M. Book. "History of Nationalists during the Civil War (1991-2001)". Dushanbe. "ER-schedule". 2017. 191 p.



 Faizov Nekruz. Educational media.the "Scientific and cultural relations between the Republic of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation in the years of independence." Dushanbe.  


Address: Kulob, st. S. Safarova 16, KSU named after. Rudaki, building 6, Faculty of History, Law and International Relations, 2nd floor.
Phone: (+992) 931701765
E-mail: k-tarikh.huquq@kgu.tj