, Friday, 28-March

The Department of Science and Innovation

The Department of Science and Innovation is a component structure of the Kulob State University named after Abuabdulloh Rudaki and regulates the organization and conduct of research and innovation activities at the university.

The main goal of management activities at the university is new scientific and technical achievements, solving various scientific problems that contribute to the socio-economic and cultural progress of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The department carries out its activities on the basis of the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, orders of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Decrees of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, orders and instructions of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, decisions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, Regulations of the Department of Science and Innovation of the University, Charter of an institution of higher professional education , orders of the rector of the university, orders of the vice-rector for science and innovation and other regulatory legal documents in the field of education and science.

The main tasks of the Department of Science and Innovation include:

  • determination of the main and priority areas of research work of teachers, doctoral students (PhD) in specialties (postgraduate students), master's students, applicants and students of higher professional educational institutions;
  • coordination of scientific work carried out at the departments in order to conduct comprehensive fundamental, research and practical work;
  • drawing up business contracts for research work and contracts for the implementation of scientific and technical achievements with institutions and organizations;
  • conclusion and regulation of agreements on creative cooperation;
  • ensuring the necessary scientific and technical level of research work and their effective application in production and in the educational process;
  • monitoring the implementation of research plans of the university, faculties, departments and individual plans of teachers regarding research work;
  • conducting an annual comprehensive assessment of the research activities of departments and teachers in the prescribed manner;
  • organizing and holding conferences, seminars, symposia and other scientific events;
  • organizing the publication of collections of articles and scientific works of professors, teachers and students of the university;
  • organization of research, patent, licensing and information activities;
  • monitoring the activities of the technology park and innovation centers, design, research, technological and economic bureaus of students, holding a competition for students and scientific and technological progress, participation in a competition for the distribution of small grants for students, etc;
  • coordination of the activities of the Council of Young Scientists, the Scientific Society of Students and scientific student circles;
  • regulation and presentation of materials on motivating teachers and students to successfully carry out research work, their active participation in conferences, seminars, symposiums and other scientific events;
  • organization of exhibitions, competitions and demonstrations of scientific research achievements;
  • control over the scientific activities of master’s students, doctoral students in specialties (postgraduate students), doctoral students and applicants.


sharipov a
   Sharipov   Anvar
   candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of the Department
   Phone: (83322) 2-41-06
   E-mail: ilm-kgu@bk.ru

Safarzoda M
  Safarzoda Manuchehri Najot
   candidate of philological sciences, deputy head of the department
   E-mail: nadzhotzoda@mail.ru


   Isufov Sherdil  
   chief specialist of the department of science and innovation
   E-mail:  sherdil.isufov@mail.ru

 Saydalieva Fotima Obidovna
Specialist of the department of science and innovation
  E-mail: fotim8888@mail.ru

Kholova Gh

Kholova Ghalati
Specialist of the department of science and innovation
 E-mail: sada1970@mail.ru

Rahimova Q

Rahimova Qurbonbi
Specialist of the department of science and innovation
E-mail: r.kurbonbi@bk.ru

 Rahmonova Misqolbi
 Specialist of the department of science and innovation

  Hamidova Dilrabo Hamidovna
  Specialist of the department of science and innovation
  E_mail: dilrabohamidova078@gmail.com 

Address: Kulob town, str. S. Safarov 16, DDK named after A. Rudaki, administrative building, 3rd floor, rooms №301, 302, 304, 306