Friday, 07-March
At this time, the department is called foreign literature with a methodology for teaching the Russian language and literature. Today the Department of Foreign Literature with methods of teaching Russian language and literature is a multidisciplinary department: Russian literature, foreign literature, children's literature, history of criticism, theory of literature, methods of teaching Russian language and literature, world literature - from antiquity to the present day, from antiquity and Russian folklore to the present.
Currently, the department employs such experienced teachers as: Ph.D. Rakhimova S.R., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Bobokulov D.A., Senior teachers Halimova M.R., Gulomova S.N., Salikhova L.N., assistant Ibrohimi Amadkhon, 3 rd year doctoral student Ermadova Nilufar.
The department maintains constant communication with the universities of the republic and with educational institutions of Russia: Tajik National University, Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) University, Khujand State University named after B. Gafurov, Khorog State University named after M. Nazarshoev, Moscow Linguistic University, Tula State University, Academy of Higher Education of the Kyrgyz Republic, Issyk-Kul State University named after K. Tynystanov.
The Department of Russian and Foreign Literature has existed since the first day of the existence of the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature. It was formed as a profiling department. The order for its creation is dated 1952. At the time of the creation of the department, a candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Spektor was invited to head it. The department was headed by Professor Lavrov S.G., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Zvagelsky, Ph.D. Sh.K. Komilov, Associate Professor H.Sh. Tochieva, L.V. Popyrina, Ph.D. Son L.M., Ph.D. Nozimov A.A., Ph.D. Salikhov N.N., Ph.D. Rakhimova S.R., Ph.D. Bobokulov D.A.
Son L.M. headed the department of Russian and foreign literature from 1982 to 1986. At that time, teachers Vashchenko A.S., Bragin G.G., Dragunova E., Zelenkova, Salikhov N.N., Putintseva E., Rakhimova S.R., Nozimov A.A., Stolshtein N., Karimova U.S., Abdulloeva S.
Nozimov A.A. headed the department from 1987 to 1992. He is currently Ph.D. Professor of the Department of World Literature, DSPU named after S. Aini.
Salikhov N.N. headed the department from 1992 to 2000, worked as the rector of the RTSU (2012-2020), Doctor of Philology, Professor.
Kadyrov N. K. - Senior Lecturer. He headed the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature from 2001 to 2002. He was one of the leading specialists in Russian literature of the 18th century.
Rakhimova S.R. - Graduate of the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature of the Kulyab State Pedagogical Institute in 1974. In 2001-2002 Acted as the head of the department of methods of teaching Russian language and literature. From 2002 to 2011 she worked as the head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature with methods of teaching Russian language and literature. During her work, she attracted many cadres from among the graduates of the faculty. In 2012 she defended her thesis in the specialty 13.00.01 "Moral education in the debate lessons in the senior classes of Tajik schools." For conscientious work in the training of qualified personnel, she was awarded diplomas of the university, city, region and republic, as well as the title of "Excellence in Public Education" of the Republic of Tajikistan (2010) and "Honored Worker of the Republic of Tajikistan" (2015). Systematically travels with reports to international conferences and seminars in the country and abroad. Author of more than 20 scientific publications.
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Bobokulov D.A. held the position of chief department since 2011, served as Dean of the Faculty of Russian Philology (2013-2017). Currently, he works as the head of the Department of Foreign Literature with MPRYAL.
Head Ph.D. Bobokulov D.A. works on the problems of scientific research, the organization of special courses on the history of Russian literature of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He defended his dissertation work on the topic "Translations of the works of poets and writers of the Silver Age into the Tajik language" under the guidance of Ph.D. Professor Salikhov N.N. Author of more than 20 scientific publications. Reads courses "Modern Literary Process", "Russian Literature of the 20th Century".
For more than twenty years, the life of the department has been connected with Izatmo Saidova, who by position is a senior laboratory assistant and head of the cabinet, and in fact is a guardian angel not only of the cathedral treasures, but of the academic spirit of high love for literature and devotion to her work, keeps the documentation of the department in full okay
Teaching staff of the department
Ashurov Azamat Dzhumaevich
Senior Lecturer, candidate of philological sciences.
Ibrohimi Ahmadkhon
For several years (from 2010 - 2023), the scientific circle "Green Lamp" has been working and operating at the department.
The head of the circle is the senior teacher Khalimova M.R., who has been fruitfully cooperating not only with the members of the circle for these years, but also keeps in touch with the students of the faculty in order to attract new members of the circle. This form of activity of the head of the circle gives positive results in the further involvement of students and members of the circle in independent scientific activities, the preparation of essays, term papers and theses.
Every year the composition of the circle is updated with new members. The meetings of the circle are held once a month in the literature office, they are held in a variety of interesting ways. A significant role in this is played by the teachers of the department, who prepare the student for the performance. The circle consists of 15 people, ranging from first-year students to fourth-year students.
Since the beginning of the academic year, according to the prepared and approved plan, eight meetings of the circle have been held and are being held.
Participation in social and scientific events is the main goal of the circle members. This stimulates them to a further active life position, in teaching.
It should be noted the active participation of the circle members in the freshman's day, where with great pleasure they performed and read poems by Russian poets, KVN between faculties, a quiz among students, holding cultural events living in the hostel. This speaks of the careful and conscientious preparation of each member of the circle and its leader.
As a result, the most active students were awarded Diplomas and valuable gifts from the faculty and the university.
On November 1, 2022, with the participation of members of the circle at the faculty, a scientific and practical conference was held dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the founder of Russian classical literature A.S. Pushkin
Achievements of the department
Валиев Н.У., Бобокулов Д.А. Учебное пособие “Практический курс русской литературы”. Душанбе, 2016. - 167 стр.
Асоева К.А. Монография. Типы подчинительной связи слов в словосочетаниях и простом предложении в русском и таджикском языках. Душанбе, 2017. – 147 стр.
Диплом. Институт повышения квалификации. Бобокулов Д.А. 04.04. 2017г.
Удостоверение. Институт повышения квалификации Бобокулов Д.А. 09.02. 2013 г.
Address: Kulob city, S.Safarov 16 street, KSU named after A. Rudaki, campus No 4, room №203
Phone: (+992) 938 792391
E-mail: Bobokulov55@mаil.ru