, Friday, 13-September



About the department

Being an integral part of the structure of higher professional education, the university-wide department of philosophy conducts educational and scientific-methodical work in student and teaching teams. The teachers of the department teach philosophy, logic, cultural studies, sociology, ethics and aesthetics at various faculties of the university. Currently, the department has 32 teachers. Including 2 - doctors of sciences, professors, 2 - candidates of sciences, associate professors, 5 - senior lecturers, 22 - assistants and 1 - clerk.

The history department

The formation and development of modern Tajik philosophy mainly began after the Second World War. In those post-war years, institutes, branches of universities, colleges, various scientific departments of social science and the humanities were created. In particular, on August 15, 1945, the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan adopted a special Decree “On the establishment of the State Institute for the Training of Teachers on the basis of the Pedagogical School of the city of Kulyab”.

The Department of Philosophy was established in 1947-1948 as the "Department of the Foundations of Marxism-Leninism" and existed until 1966. Over the years, the department was headed by such well-known scientists of the republic as T. Ortikov, A. Abdurahimov, Kh. Siddikov, B. Makhmadnazarov, M. Sobirov, B. Nazarshoev. Their contribution to the development and strengthening of the foundations of science and methods of teaching the scientific foundations of philosophy is invaluable. They are the founders of the first scientific journal of the university, where articles and scientific works of teachers and students were published.

In their publications, scientists shared their experience with young colleagues on how to prepare for classes, comprehensively helped them in mastering scientific materials, methods for conducting theoretical and practical classes. It should be noted that thanks to such daily work and the care of these teachers, the Department of Philosophy has brought up many promising young scientists-philosophers and teachers of social sciences.

In different years of the period of State independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, the department was headed by such scientists as professors M. Ibodov, K. Kodirov (1994 - 1995), A. Kurbonov (1995 - 1998), H. Azamov (1998 - 2002), A. Abdulvohidov (2002 - 2003), M. Sadulloev (2003 - 2004), B. Faiziev (2004 - 2005), P. Nazarov (2005 - 2009), A. Abdulvohidov (2009 - 2012) and N. Abdulloev (from 2012 to the present).

The contribution of the above-mentioned scientists, who headed the department in different years, both in the training of young specialists and in the research activities carried out by scientists of both the department itself in particular and the university as a whole deserves every word of gratitude. In this regard, it can be noted that the Department of Philosophy has done some work in the preparation of specialists who qualitatively meet the requirements that both the university and the republic impose on them.

As noted above, the teachers of the department teach philosophy, logic, cultural studies, sociology, ethics and aesthetics at the faculties of the university. The department teaches: 1 professor - Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Ibodov Makhmadullo Orifovich, Candidates of Political Sciences, Dodarbek Madalievich Saidaliev and Nasrullo Saifuddinovich Abdulloev, Senior Lecturer Amirov Fayzullokhuja Azizovich, Competitor Zaynalov Kurbon Mirzoevich, Lecturer S. Mirzoev, Senior Lecturer A. Radjabov, full-time graduate student M. Khasanov, PhD students Sh. Kamolov, M. Kudratova , third-year doctoral students L. Gayurov, applicants F. Abilova, Sh. Kurbonova, Sh. Murodov and assistants Firuzi I., M. Zubaydova, G. Farmonova and others.

The staff  of the department


 Ghayurov Loiq


Ибодов М

Ibodov Mahmadulo
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor   



Абдуллоев Н


Abdulloev Nasullo
Candidate of Political Sciences

Сайдалиев Д


Saydaliev Dodarbek
Candidate of Political Sciences

Камолов Ш

Kamolov Shodmon



Зайналов Қ

Zaynalov Qurbon
Senior Lecturer   


Амиров Ф

 Amirov Fayzullokhuja

Senior Lecturer  



Ҳасанов М
Hasanov Mahmadsaid
Senior Lecturer  


Раҷабов А


Rajabov Aminjon
Senior Lecturer  


Мирзоев С
 Mirzoev Suhrob
Senior Lecturer

Муродов Ш  
  Murodov Shahboz

Боронов Р
 Boronov Ramazon

Зубайдова М
  Zubaydova Mijgona

Абилова Ф
  Abilova Firuza

Қурбонова Ш
  Qurbonova Shoira


 Nasimjoni Saidazam


 Nurmatova Adolat

 Kudratova Mavluda


  Firuza Ilhom

 Sharifov Ahliddin


 Farmonova Gulru

 Daryoev Ramazon


 Safarov Alijon


  Sharipova Sanavbar

 Shokirzoda Ayoz

 Firdavsi Sherali

Шерова М


Sherova Mavlonbi


The activities of the circle and the seminar of the department

The activities of the circle and the seminar of the department

 The department operates a scientific and theoretical seminar, held twice a month, where teachers make their presentations. Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor N.S. Abdulloev.

 The department also operates a circle "Chakhoni Andesha" (World of Thinking).

And for several years of its activity, the circle was able to prepare good personnel who took pride of place at the Olympiads. The work of the circle, which consisted of 50 members, was entrusted to the senior teacher of the department A. Radjabov. Members of the circle make their reports at the annual scientific-theoretical conference held in April and regularly take part in all events organized within the framework of the university and the city

Achievements of the department


 Abdulloev N.:  (Institute for Leadership in the Political System. Tajik Experience. Monograph)



 Ibodov M.O., Kamolov Sh.V .: “A short essay on philosophy (training guide for masters and applicants)


Extremism and terrorism are one of the most urgent problems of the modern world. At all stages of its historical development, both in the distant past and at the present time, the world has faced and continues to face many unusual manifestations and trends of a socio-political nature. Some of these trends and currents themselves became the next steps in the development of society.



The book "Asrori muvaffakiyat" (Secrets of success) - Dodarbek Saidaliev.

This scientific and methodological guide includes detailed comments on philosophical terms, as well as the history of the emergence of key terms in philosophy.


"Certificate of Honor" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan to Abdulloev Nasrullo





Ibodov M.O.: “Dasturi talimi. Khususiyathoi navin dar inkishofi falsafai ilm” (Tutorial guide. The latest features in the development of the philosophy of science)

Abdulloev Nasrullo, Gayurov Loik: "Baze mafkhumkhoi kalidi dar falsaf" (Some key terms in philosophy).

9 Ibodov M.O.: “Fahmishi manzarai ilmii olam dar falsafa va ilmi muosir” (Understanding the scientific world of being in philosophy and modern science)





Адрес: Kulob, S. Safarov street, 16, KSU named after A. Rudaki, educational building No. 1, 2nd floor.
Phone: (+992) 900-10-37-74
E-mail: k-falsafa@kgu.tj