, Saturday, 22-February

SPECIALIZED DEPARTMENTS» Humanities and its teaching methods


About the Department

The Department of the Humanities and Methods of Teaching is an integral part of the structure of the institution of higher professional education and conducts educational, scientific and methodological activities among students and teachers.

Lecturers and teachers of the department teach and train students related to the department’s subjects. There are 31 teachers and one secretary   engaged in scientific-research and educational activities.  The main staff of the department consists of 24 members and 7 of them are internal colleagues. From the number of main staff there are 3 associate professors (Nabiev M., Bozorov H., Sheralieva S.), 2 candidates of science (Farkhuddinov I., Mirzoeva B.), 7 senior lecturers and 10 assistants, 1 postgraduate (Karimova M. ) and 1 doctoral candidate (Zardova Sh.).

The department employs 5 Daminzod H., Abdurrahmani M., Nasibai S., Atoev N., Zaripov M. and 2 graduate students Abdudjabbori S. (the 3rd year), Tagoev S. (the 2nd year), are engaged in research activities.

The department has 5 competitor who are engaged in scientific-research activities: Daminzoda H., Abdurrahmani M., Nasibai S., Atoev N., Zaripov M. and two  PhD students; Abdujabbori S. (the 3rd year), Taghoev S. (the 2nd year)

History of the departments

The Department of humanitarian subjects and methods of their Teaching has existed since 1968 under the name of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education. The first teachers of the department were Saidakhmad Isoev, Soat Chalishev, Karamatullo Kalandarov, Kugan Izatulloev, Yorali Sodikov, Odina Davlatov, Muradali Nabiev, Ismailov Isroil, Saidahmadov Jumakhan, Najot Safar, Safarali Taghoev, Ghoibnazar Khalimov, Nazrullo Ibodov and others.

The first head of the department was Yarashevsky. Then the department was headed by the following teachers: Boghirov, Isoev S. Ismailov I. Izatulloyev K. Nabiev M. Juraev B. Farkhudinov Yu. Bozorov Kh. Sheralieva S.

Over time, the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education received the name of the Department of Primary Education, and it was headed by Associate Professor S. Sheralieva. By the decision of the Scientific Council of the University No. 1\3-2  on August 31st 2022 and the order of the rector of the university, Professor Rahmon D.S. from September 8th 2022, No. 180  the Department of Primary Education was divided into two departments: the Department of Humanities and Methods of Teaching and the Department of Natural and Mathematical Sciences and Methods of Their Teaching.

Currently, the head of the Department of Humanities and Methods of Teaching is the candidate of philological sciences Sheralieva S.

Staff of the department

 Шералиева С
 Sheralieva Sadbarg Majidovna
 Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department


Бозоров Х

 Bozorov Khushvakht
 Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor  


Фархудинов И
 Farkhuddinov Isuf
 Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Мирзоева Б

 Mirzoeva Bunafsha
 Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer


Ҷураев Б
 Juraev Bobohon
 Senior Lecturer


Расулов С 
 Rasulov Saidalam
 Senior Lecturer

Даминзода Х

 Daminzoda Hatichamo Azim
 Senior Lecturer

Бегиев Ш

 Begiev Sharif
 Senior Lecturer

Дилафруз Р

 Dilafruz Rajabzoda
 Senior Lecture

Абдуҷабори А

 Abdujabbori Safarali
 Senior Lecturer

Ёрматов А

 Yermatov Alisher 
 Senior Lecturer

Тағоев С

 Tagoev Saimumin 

Розиқов Т

 Roqikov Tolibshoh 

Абдураҳмони М
 Abdurahmoni Mahmadi

Муродов А
 Murodov Amirali

Оқилова Қ
 Oqilova Qurbonbi

Насибаи С
 Nasibai Saihomid

Пулодов А

 Pulodov Amirhamza

Рафиев А  
 Rafiev Abdulhamid

Activities meeting departments

The department has a theoretical and scientific and methodological seminar, the head of the MS is the candidate of pedagogical sciences B.I. Mirzoeva, the assistant secretary is Rozikov T. and the circle "Professional skill" – the head of the circle is  Akilova K., the secretary is Azamov Mehrovar the student of the 5th year, specialty education elementary school with the addition of Russian language

According to the plan, a theoretical and scientific-methodological seminar of the department is held once a month, at which teachers present their research work, and professors with academic degrees make reports on writing scientific articles, candidate and doctoral dissertations.

The department circle operates according to a work plan approved by the Department of Science and Innovation and is held once a month, in which, in addition to circle members and other students participation. Members of the circle give informative presentations at university conferences and events.

Achievements of the department

  1. Yermatov A.Yu. Pedagogical foundations of the joint activities of the school and the family in the education of self-awareness of students of educational institutions, Monograph, Dushanbe - 2022, 103 page.
  2. Sheralieva S. (co-authored) Methodology for advanced training of teachers (scientific and methodological manual), Dushanbe, 2022, 63 page.
  3. A. Yormatov Pedagogical foundations of cooperation between educational institutions and the family in the formation of moral education and national identity (scientific and methodological manual), Dushanbe-2022, 222 page.
  4. A. Yormatov, K. Okilova Self-awareness and ways of its formation (educational and methodological manual), Dushanbe-2022 9.3 page.
  5. A. Pedagoguhika Cooperation of Educational Institutions and Families in the Formation of Self-Awareness (Educational and Methodological Manual), Dushanbe-2022, 83 page .
  6. Mirzoeva B. Using paper in arts and crafts classes. (teaching manual), Dushanbe-2022, 50 page.

Address: Kulob, st. S. Safarova 16, KSU named after A. Rudaki, educational building No. 2, 2nd floor, office No. 32
Work Phone: (+992) 985 87 78 78
E-mail: E-mail: k-tahsiloti.ibtidoi@kgu.tj