Sunday, 09-March
28.12.2024, Dushanbe city
Distinguished members of Majlisi Milli and deputies of Majlisi Namoyandagon!
Dear compatriots!
This year’s address of the Head of State on major dimensions of domestic and foreign policy of the Republic of Tajikistan is taking place in the new building of the highest legislative body of the country—Majlisi Oli.
In this regard, I would like to congratulate you - distinguished deputies.
This year, the honorable people of Tajikistan celebrated the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the first constitution of their independent country with a high sense of patriotism and appreciation.
The Constitution, as a fateful document of the Tajik state, laid the legal basis for independent statehood, national sovereignty, and comprehensive development in all spheres of public life.
Our country is currently in its new stage of development, with significant achievements obtained through the implementation of economic and social strategies and programs.
Moreover, instability and conflicts in various regions of the world, intensification of political confrontations and sanctions among the superpowers, rapid militarization, “cold war”, climate change, as well as supply chain disruption and other external factors compel us to take timely action for preventing their negative impact on the economy of our country.
In this regard, while implementing our national goals, we need to ensure, first of all, national security and sustainable economic development and further improve our population’s standard of living and quality of their life.
Because our people, like the people of other civilized countries, have the moral right to a decent life.
This is the highest goal of the state policy and the Government of Tajikistan.
The Government of the country is implementing major constructive plans to continuously improve the living standards of the population using all available resources and opportunities.
In 2024, the country's GDP amounted to more than 150 billion somoni, and its real growth rate reached 8.4 percent.
It should be noted that over the last five years, the average growth rate of the national economy has been 7.7 percent.
To further develop the economic and social sectors of the country and implement priority state investment projects, as well as implement strategic documents at the national, sectoral, and local levels, there have been allocated more than 197 billion somoni from the state budget and internal and external investments over the last five years.
In order to implement the development and construction action plans in preparation for the 35th anniversary of state independence, there have been spent more than 20 billion Somoni in the last three years by entrepreneurs, generous people, and citizens of the country.
This, in turn, contributed in ensuring the attainment of the planned social and economic development indicators, as well as progress and prosperity of cities and rural areas of the country.
As part of the implementation of this plan, over the past three years there have been commissioned more than 1500 educational facilities, including preschool and secondary general education institutions, 660 healthcare facilities, 480 sports facilities, 175 cultural and recreational facilities, as well as thousands of other industrial and social facilities have been built and commissioned in the country.
The contribution of entrepreneurs and citizens of the country to all these noble actions is very great.
Taking this opportunity, I express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to all entrepreneurs, generous people, and citizens of Tajikistan for their support of Government’s initiatives and their contribution to the prosperity and development of our country.
As a result of implementing specific measures, we have managed to increase the monetary income of the population from 48 billion Somoni in 2019 to 147 billion Somoni in 2024.
In other words, this indicator has increased threefold (or by 300 percent), the average salary has grown by more than 1.8 times, and the average pension size has increased 1.5 times.
Solely based on the last year’s address, since the beginning of 2024, the salary of military personnel, general and command staff of internal affairs departments, the prosecutor's office, and other law enforcement agencies has been increased by 40 percent.
Since July 2024, the salaries of civil servants, employees of budgetary organizations, and stipends have been increased by 40 percent, while pensions have been raised by 30 percent.
By implementing the necessary measures in 2024, we have managed to maintain the inflation at a stable level of 3.6 percent.
I would like to recall that in the last five years the salaries of the budgetary sphere workers have been raised in four terms (2020, 2022, 2023, 2024) and in general raised by 100% during this period.
Over this period, that is, over the last five years, the inflation rate or the rise in consumer prices was 29 percent.
That is, during this period, salaries, pensions and stipends increased significantly relative to the inflation rate, which directly contributed to the reduction of poverty and the improvement of living conditions of the country’s population.
Notwithstanding the successes attained, the government, ministries and agencies, as well as local executive authorities, are obligated to ensure the timely and high-quality implementation of adopted programs and plans, and in this regard, ensure the country's economic growth in 2025 at the level of at least 8 percent.
In addition, specific measures must be taken in 2025 to prevent the impact of potential risks on the national economy, to develop a "green economy", digitalization of public services, and promotion of widespread use of cashless payments.
At the same time, there should be ensured the efficient management of existing capacities, along with establishing manufacturing enterprises and creating new jobs, enhancing domestic products’ competitiveness and strengthening the country's export potential.
In this regard, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade is instructed to prepare and submit to the Government a draft "Mid-term Development Program for the 2026-2030" by the end of 2025 in cooperation with other ministries and agencies, as well as local executive authorities.
This document should prioritize human capital development, strengthening production capacities, application of modern technologies, organizing the production of competitive goods with high added value, linking science with production, and forming a knowledge-based and innovation economy.
Distinguished deputies!
The formation of financial literacy among citizens and the improvement of tax culture, as one of the key factors for the effective implementation of tax and budgetary policies, including the transition to a cashless payment system, play an important role in ensuring the financial stability of the state and economic development.
In this regard, the government of the country and the relevant ministries and agencies are instructed to take effective measures to improve the level of financial literacy and tax culture among citizens.
Therefore, the Ministry of Finance, National Bank, Tax Committee, Customs Service, and Agency for Innovation and Digital Technologies, along with other ministries and agencies, as well as local executive authorities, are obligated to ensure the expansion of the use of modern digital technologies as soon as possible.
In this process, cashless payments in the public sector and government services must be fully ensured by the end of 2025.
In many countries, the rate of non-cash payments is 80-90 percent.
This is one of the main ways to ensure transparency in service operations, accounting and the prevention of corruption.
The banking system of the country has provided loans totaling more than 80 billion Somoni to meet the growing needs of the national economy and the population growth in the last five years.
The National Bank and credit institutions are instructed to annually increase the volume of loans provided to the economy.
This indicator must be raised to more than 100 billion Somoni by the end of 2027.
The National Bank and financial institutions need to take appropriate actions to enhance public confidence in the banking system, attract more deposits from individuals and legal entities, and expand the use of digital banking and financial services.
Additionally, there should be taken specific measures to establish branches of commercial banks and other financial institutions, increase in loans provision with low interest rates, as well as ensure the access to quality banking services, especially in the country’s remote regions.
Distinguished deputies!
Tajikistan is taking confident steps in the transition to digitalization of the national economy to ensure transparency of economic and financial relations.
Over the next five years, there must be taken the following steps to advance the digital economy:
Firstly, the immediate improvement of legislative framework and the adoption of relevant documents for transition to a digital economy.
Secondly, the development of digital infrastructure up to the 5G system, enhancement of data processing centers and the establishment of a comprehensive national data platform.
Thirdly, the complete digitalization of public services and the creation of a unified public services platform.
Fourthly, the development of human capital through training and requalification of specialists in information technologies both domestically and abroad, as well as raising public awareness about the use of digital technologies.
Fifthly, the widespread integration of artificial intelligence in the service sphere and the state registration system.
Sixthly, the implementation of measures to ensure the cybersecurity of data platforms.
Seventhly, there must be prioritized the formation of digital entrepreneurship and e-commerce development.
To this end, the Ministries of Economic Development and Trade, Justice, Agency for Innovation and Digital Technologies, National Bank, Communications and Customs Services, Tax Committee, and other relevant agencies must ensure the dissemination of legal and organizational frameworks, state regulation, financing of digital economy infrastructure, as well as the establishment of relationships among participants in digital entrepreneurship and e-commerce.
In order to stimulate innovation processes and advantage of digital technologies potential in the economy, I would like to propose to declare 2025-2030 as the “Years of Digital Economy and Innovation Development.”
The Ministries of justice, economic development and trade, industry and new technologies, Agency for innovation and digital technologies, along with other relevant ministries and agencies are instructed to submit to the Government the normative legal document for the approval of a comprehensive plan to strengthen the link between innovation and production.
At the same time, the educational system of all vocational institutions have to integrate programs for training IT programmers and other specialists in order to develop the digital economy system and IT programming within the country.
In this regard, it is deemed essential to provide best conditions for preparing specialists, offer various exemptions, encourage IT specialists, and facilitate educational opportunities at leading international institutions.
In this regard, it is proposed to establish a University of Innovation and Digital Technologies on the basis of the Kulob Institute of Technology and Innovation Management.
This university should be given the status of the main base for training specialists in this area, and in addition, relevant faculties and departments should be established in all higher professional educational institutions of the country.
The Ministry of education and science and the Agency for innovation and digital technologies, as well as other relevant ministries and agencies have to prepare the draft legal documents on this matter and submit to the Government within four months.
Distinguished deputies!
The Government is taking measures to create favorable conditions for the development of entrepreneurial activity.
The implementation of reforms in the area of business entities’ inspections has led to a reduction in the number of supervisory bodies from 31 to 23 and a decrease in the number of inspections of business entities from 300 thousand in 2016 to 42 thousand in 2024.
Moreover, provisions of the Tax Code regarding tax inspections under the risk management system have allowed for limiting the number and duration of inspections while ensuring their quality.
According to the data, in 2023, compared to 2014, the number of tax inspections in business entities was reduced by two times.
However, the identified and collected amounts of money because of inspections increased in 4 times.
In just 11 months of 2024, because of inspections of 1150 taxpayers there were added 1 billion 640 million Somoni to the country's budget.
This situation indicates non-compliance with tax legislation by certain business entities and a low level of tax payment culture among them.
In order to support the further development of entrepreneurship, it is necessary, in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On the Inspection of Business Entities," to limit the number and frequency of inspections (excluding tax risks) by improving the existing risk assessment standards.
I would like to propose that during the period of improvement of the mentioned normative legal documents in order to support entrepreneurial activities and create a favorable environment for attracting investments, as well as job creation to declare a moratorium until January 1, 2027 on all types of business entities’ inspections (except for tax inspections).
In this regard, the Committee for state investments and management of state property, in cooperation with other relevant authorities, is obligated to prepare a draft of normative legal act for the implementation of this proposal and submit it to the Government of the country within one month.
Moreover, the Committee for state investments and management of state property, in cooperation with the relevant ministries and agencies is obliged within three months to develop the Investment Attraction Strategy up to 2040 with specific and precise information about available resources and opportunities, priority sectors, and key directions for improving the country's investment environment.
The issue of entrepreneurs and investors using tax benefits on profit tax when establishing new enterprises also requires reconsideration.
Currently, the mentioned benefit is applied not from the start of the production activity, but from the moment of its state registration.
In this case, a significant portion of the benefit period overlaps with the construction and equipping phase of new enterprise, meaning until profit is obtained, so entrepreneurs and investors cannot fully benefit from this tax relief.
Therefore, the Ministry of finance, the Committee for state investments, and the Tax Committee have to prepare, within two months, the relevant documents to improve the mechanism for applying the profit tax benefit for enterprises that have launched new production line and submit them to the Government.
It is worth noting that, with the continuous support of the state and the Government of the country, there has been an expansion in the construction of economic and social facilities by entrepreneurs and investors in recent years.
The Committee for construction and architecture, heads of local executive authorities, in cooperation with entrepreneurs and investors must prioritize the quality of construction and architectural design of buildings and facilities, which are intended to raise the attractiveness of our cities and serve our people for hundreds of years to come.
Distinguished deputies!
As part of the strategic goal of accelerated industrialization, over the past five years, the country’s gross industrial output has doubled: from 27 billion somoni to 53 billion somoni.
During this period, there were established more than 2,040 industrial enterprises and created 74 thousand new jobs.
Only in 2024 there were created 740 new manufacturing enterprises and in general, there were created more than 20 thousand jobs.
The average annual growth rate of the sector during this period reached 15 percent, which, considering the existing capacities and resources, remains insufficient to achieve the goal of the country’s accelerated industrialization.
It is necessary to ensure the annual development rate of the above sector by minimum 20 percent.
In this regard, the Ministry of industry and new technologies, other ministries, agencies, and local executive authorities are instructed to cooperate with the private sector to take additional measures for creating favorable conditions for the development of industrial production.
Furthermore, there should be taken necessary steps to encourage innovative activities, promote the widespread use of modern innovative technologies in production, and support constructive initiatives of entrepreneurs in this field, particularly in the processing of raw materials within the country.
The efforts should be intensified to ensure the efficient use of available resources, develop the country's production potential, enhance the competitiveness and diversification of industrial products, increase the volume of processed industrial goods, and raise the added value of industrial products based on the development of sectoral complexes.
The Ministry of Industry and New Technologies, in cooperation with other relevant ministries and agencies, must take effective measures to reduce the export of raw materials and increase the export of goods with high added value.
Dear compatriots!
The Government of the country is constantly taking measures to achieve energy independence and, in this context, ensure the sustainable development of the national economy by using all available opportunities and resources, especially sources for the development of "green energy".
Reconstruction and restoration work is currently underway at the Norak and Kairokkum HPPs for a total of 6 billion 900 million somoni, and the construction of Sebzor is ongoing at a cost of 700 million somoni.
As of today there were completely modernized two units of Norak HPP and three units of the Kairokkum HPP.
In 2025, due to the modernization and renewal of three more units of the Kairokkum HPP, its capacity will be increased by another 24 megawatts and will amount to 174 megawatts.
Another unit at the Norak HPP will also be reconstructed, increasing its capacity by 40 megawatts, and the construction of the Sebzor HPP with a capacity of 11 megawatts will be completed.
This means that the country's existing energy capacity will increase by 180 megawatts in 2025.
At the same time, there will be launched the construction of a solar power plant with capacity of 200 megawatt in Sughd region in 2025.
Today, the construction of Roghun hydroelectric power plant is proceeding at a steady pace, and over the past two years, there have been spent more than 9 billion somoni from the state budget.
To date more than 50 percent of construction work at the Roghun HPP has been completed.
The government of the country is constantly taking measures to ensure timely financing of the construction of this strategically important facility, using all available resources.
In this regard, fruitful cooperation is ongoing with a number of international financial institutions and development partners on attracting preferential funds, in the amount of 33 billion Somoni (or 3 billion US Dollars), including 12.5 billion Somoni in grant funds (or 1 billion and 150 million USD.
To date, agreements have been concluded to finance the power plant facility with 6 organizations for a total of 10 billion somoni, including 3.8 billion somoni in the form of grants, financing by them will begin in 2025.
In particular, on December 17 of this year, the World Bank Board of Directors decided to allocate a grant of 3.8 billion somoni at the first stage for the construction of the Rogun HPP.
In addition, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank provided 2.9 billion somoni, the Islamic Development Bank - 1.6 billion somoni, the Saudi Fund for Development - 1.1 billion somoni, the OPEC Fund for International Development - 272 million somoni and the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development - 180 million somoni of soft loans.
I would like to express the gratitude of the Tajik people to all international financial organizations and development partners for their attention and cooperation.
From May 2027, the country's electricity deficit will be eliminated, and Tajikistan will achieve complete energy independence due to electricity generation at the Rogun hydroelectric power station and the cascade of power plants on the Vakhsh River.
Therefore, the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister in charge of this sphere, Minister of Energy and Water Resources, other relevant ministries and agencies, heads of Stock Company “Roghun HPP”, relevant companies and centers for project implementation are obliged to take effective measures for the timely implementation of state investment projects in this sector, including projects aimed at reducing electricity losses.
In this regard, in 2025 it is necessary to develop a draft of the "Program for the Development of Electrical Energy" and the necessary regulatory legal acts in this sphere, including the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Energy" in a new edition.
The transformation of Tajikistan into a transit country and the implementation of its transit capabilities are recognized as one of the main goals of the country's development.
In 2024, within the implementation of state investment projects, there were built and commissioned 155 kilometers of international and national highways, 20 small and large bridges, and 3 tunnels totaling 4.6 billion somoni.
In particular, the Rogun-Obigarm-Nurobod highway worth 3.5 billion somoni with a length of 76 kilometers and the Bokhtar-Levakant-Lolazor-Dangara highway worth 800 million somoni with 69 kilometers lengths were built and commissioned in accordance with international standards.
In 2024 the reconstruction of the Dangara-Guliston highway with 50 kilometers lengths and Guliston-Farkhor highway with 33 kilometers has begun.
During 2025, the construction and rehabilitation of 52 kilometers of national and international roads will be completed in the Sughd region. In the Barsem district of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, the construction of 4.5 km of roads, 550 m of avalanche corridors, an 82-meter bridge over the Shorf River and a 200-meter bridge over the Ghund River will be completed.
In recent years, the restoration and construction of local roads has expanded, and in 2024 alone, more than 2 thousand kilometers of local roads were repaired and reconstructed for more than 1 billion somoni at the expense of all sources of funding, especially through the contribution of entrepreneurs and generous citizens. There were also built and renovated 23 bridges during this period.
According to the World Economic Forum, over the past five years, thanks to the reconstruction and renovation of roads, Tajikistan has risen from 50th to 44th place in the world ranking of road quality indicators among 165 countries surveyed, which is 6 positions higher than in previous years.
At the same time, the Ministry of Transport is obliged to take the necessary measures to ensure the high-quality implementation of investment projects, the timely construction and reconstruction of international highways according to international standards, the formation of transit transport corridors and their infrastructure.
Distinguished participants!
The government of the country considers the development of tourism sphere a priority area of its economic policy.
The number of tourists visiting Tajikistan in 2024 reached 1.4 million people, which is 12% more than in 2019.
However, this figure does not correspond to country’s historical, natural, mountaineering, cultural, health and recreational opportunities.
Along with attracting foreign tourists, serious attention should be paid to the development of domestic tourism.
The Committee for Tourism Development, together with relevant ministries, agencies, local executive bodies, should take additional measures to create favorable conditions for the development of tourism, in particular, to create the necessary infrastructure for tourism development.
Distinguished members of Majlisi Milli and
Deputies of Majlisi Namoyandagon
The measures taken by the Government of the country contribute to the sustainable growth of agricultural production and a better addressing the consumer and industrial needs of the country.
The volume of agricultural production increased from 39 billion somoni in 2019 to 73 billion somoni in 2024, that is, it has increased 1.9 times in five years.
Nevertheless, we need to mobilize all opportunities for the development of the agricultural sector, taking into account the current global situation, climate change, especially water shortages and a series of droughts in many countries of the world, and their negative impact on the consumer market.
The Government, the Ministry of Agriculture, relevant ministries and agencies are instructed to adopt and implement the Food Security Program of the Republic of Tajikistan for the next five years in order to further increase the level of provision of the country's population with locally grown food products.
In addition, given the growth of the country's population, it is necessary to develop and implement a Program for the development of new agricultural lands in the country.
It is also necessary to effectively use every inch of land, take timely measures to improve the situation in the seed, seedling and breeding spheres, further introduction of innovative methods and technologies into production.
At the same time, taking into account the existing opportunities, there should be resolved the issues of processing of agricultural products, ensuring the development of light industry and food, as well as creating new jobs, storing and increasing their exports abroad.
Distinguished compatriots!
Social protection of the population occupies a special place in the policy of the state of Tajikistan, and funding from the state budget is annually increasing to support social spheres and improve the standard and quality of people’s life.
In 2024, the total volume of social expenditures has increased to almost 19 billion somoni, which is more than 2 billion somoni in 2023 budget and accounts for 43 percent of the total volume of state budget expenditures.
In this vein, the Government is taking consistent steps to create new jobs, raising salaries, pensions and stipends, as well as increasing population’s monetary income.
In order to further improve the well-being of the people of the country and strengthen social protection of the population, I order from September 1, 2025:
- to increase the official salaries of employees of preschool and general secondary education institutions in the field of education by 30 percent;
- to increase the official salaries of employees of other educational institutions, branches of science, culture, sports, healthcare, social protection institutions, state authorities and administration and other budgetary institutions, as well as scholarships by 20 percent;
- to increase the salaries of law enforcement officers, military personnel and other employees of these bodies by 20 percent;
- to set the minimum wage in all sectors of the economy and social sphere of the country at 1000 somoni per month;
Moreover, from September 1, 2025, insurance, labor and social pensions, as well as additional payments to them in accordance with the provisions of Article 51 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Insurance and State Pensions" and the amount of the basic pension will be increased, that is, indexed by 10 percent.
The Government gives priority attention to the development of education sphere.
Despite the implemented efforts in the field of education up to day, the Government, the Ministry of Education and Science, and local executive authorities of the country are instructed to take specific measures in light of the growing population and the increasing number of children and adolescents.
This means that by using all sources of funding and considering the set goals for the benefit of 50 percent of preschool children, ensure the construction of 800 preschools and more than 1000 primary and secondary schools in the next five years.
The heads of regions, cities and districts considering the population growth have to take necessary measures to envisage the construction of one preschool per every residential area consisting of 100 families in the next five years.
Today, there being implemented eight state programs and two long-term strategies in the country's education sector, which contribute to the development of education and training, implementation of the relevant reforms, support for schools and teachers, the publication of new generation textbooks, and improvement of the content of education.
Additionally there are 11 state investment projects worth 4.6 billion Somoni being implemented in the education sphere.
During Independence period there were built and commissioned 3670 new secondary and primary schools, 262 preschools and 35 higher educational institutions in the country.
If in 1991, there were 3,229 secondary education institutions with 1.3 million students in Tajikistan, today there are 4,037 institutions, including 170 lyceums and gymnasiums, that is, educational institutions of a new type.
The total number of their students is more than 2.3 million.
In 1991, there were only 13 higher education institutions in the country, with 69,000 students studying there.
Now the number of such institutions has reached 48, and the number of their students exceeds 214,000.
Today, there are 65 vocational schools in the country, that is, institutions of primary vocational education, with 23.5 thousand students studying there, and short-term vocational training courses, with 12,000 students, as well as 88 institutions of secondary vocational education and colleges, with 106,000 students.
In addition, over the years of independence, more than 117 thousand talented young people from the country have been sent to study at prestigious universities in 42 developed countries.
Today, 42,400 of our young people are studying in 42 developed countries, 13,000 of whom, or more than 30 percent, are girls.
In this stage of education, issues related to the level and quality of training, the professional qualifications of teachers, and their use of modern technologies, the introduction of digital technologies in the educational process, strengthening the material and technical base, international cooperation, scientific exchange among teachers and students, research works, and educational measures still need to be strengthened.
In this regard, the Government, the leadership of Ministry of Education and Science, Academy of Science, Academy of Education and Higher Education Institutions should take effective measures on these issues and ensure the sustainable development of higher vocational education institutions in the coming years.
It is undeniable that the development of education is inextricably linked with the progress of science.
In 2024, we met twice with the country's scientific and educational workers, comprehensively analyzed and discussed the problems and prospects of the sector, and issued necessary instructions for addressing the problems.
Currently, their implementation is continuing steadily according to the approved action plans.
In addition, it is necessary for the Ministries of education and science, Economic development and trade, the National Academy of Sciences, the Higher Attestation Commission, sectoral academies, and other relevant structures to review the “State Program for Training Highly Qualified Scientific Personnel for the 2021-2030 term” within two months and submit it to the Government of the country.
In the context of stable development of international cooperation and the expansion of Tajikistan's integration into the global community, the demand for highly qualified specialists, as well as those who are proficient in foreign languages, particularly Russian and English is increasing day by day.
Therefore, it is essential to establish the study of foreign languages from the preschool education level.
The Ministry of Education and Science is obliged in taking specific measures to review standards and educational plans and programs, introduce new positions for foreign language teachers, develop modern educational materials, effectively use of digital technologies, and implement new methods of language teaching and improve the professional skills of teachers.
It should always be remembered that school, education, science and knowledge provide all progress and victory of every state and society.
For example, I know one country that is not very big, but very developed and powerful in economic and technological terms.
Because this country annually receives 35 billion dollars of net profit only from the sale of ideas, discoveries and inventions that are the products of the minds of its citizens.
The contribution of secondary school students to this achievement, that is, invention, is 1 billion dollars.
The buyers of these ideas are mainly the largest world companies.
At the same time, it should be said that the main reason for the misfortune of every nation and state is the lack of attention to the quality of schools and education, neglect of the upbringing of children from an early age, the inability to create a favorable environment for education and upbringing.
In other words, until schools and the educational system are reformed, the nation will remain oppressed, humiliated, and its citizens will continue to be subject to committing all kinds of serious and unpredictable crimes.
From this point of view, it can be concluded that the quality of the state depends not on the number of the population, but on the quality of the population.
Therefore, the initiative in this direction should be fully in the hands of the state.
That is why, from the first days of my leadership, I have given constant and primary attention to the issue of science and education.
Distinguished deputies!
Dear participants!
The initiatives undertaken by the Government of the country during the independence period have significantly contributed to the development of culture, the preservation of heritage, traditions, and national values, and as a result, have provided a great impetus to the process of raising the spiritual level of society.
In this regard, I would like to emphasize once again that culture is the essence of the nation.
If in the year of 2000 only 13 million somoni were allocated from the state budget for the culture and sports spheres, then in 2024 this figure reached 1 billion 716 million somoni.
Over the 33 years of state independence, there were built 18 theaters, 50 cultural palaces, 14 art schools, 126 libraries, 61 cultural and recreational parks, and 20 museums, all of which are currently serving the people of Tajikistan.
Only in the last three years, as part of preparations for the celebration of the 35th anniversary of state independence, there were built and renovated 167 cultural and recreational facilities.
Today the construction and renovation of 14 cultural centers are ongoing at the expense of budgetary funds.
Particularly the construction of the building of Ministry of Culture and National Theater is continuing steadily in the capital city. We are planning to commission those facilities during the celebration of 35th anniversary of our state independence.
To date, we have built the National Library, created specialized TV channels, repaired and reconstructed more than 100 historical and cultural monuments of national and international significance, created the Agency for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, and completed many other tasks.
I am saying this so that city and district leadership can learn a lesson from this and reflect.
Cultural institutions should be at the center of their attention.
Because a weakened national culture is being replaced by an alien culture.
At the same time, in abovementioned sector, there are still 368 institutions that need to be repaired and 75 institutions are in an emergency state.
The Ministry of Culture, local executive authorities of regions, cities and districts are instructed to completely eliminate the shortcomings and problems in this sphere by the 35th anniversary of state independence.
The heads of cities and districts are obliged to build and put into operation a music school in each city and district of the country during this period.
The oversight of the implementation of this instruction is entrusted to the Executive Office of the President.
We have many talented people in the cultural sphere and this is upon us to handpick them and provide them with further support.
In the six years of contest “Tajikistan – my beloved Homeland” there are 21 thousand 500 people participated of whom almost 500 got the winning positions of first, second and third places.
To date in other republican contests like «Book - Dawn of Wisdom», «Science is the light of knowledge» and «Tajiks - mirror of the nation's history» there participated 2 million 60 thousand citizens, particularly youth of whom almost 1 thousand received winning prizes, including cash prizes.
Tajikistan, in cooperation with UNESCO, is making continuous efforts to honor and pay tribute to the nation's prominent persons, protect the values of national culture, and adequately present them on the international stage.
We need to continue to decisively protect the historical and cultural values of our nation and to further promote them in the international arena.
To this end, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Culture have to prepare the necessary materials related to the celebration of the 2550th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights by Cyrus the Great and submit them for the consideration of UNESCO.
Distinguished participants!
The government is implementing necessary measures to ensure the effective functioning of healthcare facilities and to improve the level and quality of medical services provided to the population.
In 2025, 4.3 billion somoni is allocated for the healthcare sector from the state budget, which is 840 million somoni more than in 2024.
Despite the work already done, the leadership of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population, as well as the heads of districts and cities, are instructed to, together with entrepreneurs and investors, completely eliminate the existing shortcomings in the work of healthcare institutions by the 35th anniversary of state independence.
Training specialists and providing medical institutions with highly qualified personnel is one of the main and priority issues in the healthcare sector.
During my meetings, I have repeatedly emphasized the issues of the shortage of specialists, the low quality of medicines, and the effective use of modern medical equipment.
Leaders and responsible officials in the sector are obliged to take necessary measures to address existing shortcomings, ensure the sustainable development of the sector and train professional personnel, as well as provide high-quality medical services and the effective operation of medical institutions.
Dear compatriots!
Ensuring productive employment for the population has been identified as one of the priority goals of the state.
During independence period, more than 4.1 million jobs have been created and restored in various sectors of the country's economy.
In order to effectively regulate the labor market, there is a need to develop an effective employment policy and efficient organizational and economic mechanisms for creating new jobs in all sectors of the economy.
Therefore, ensuring productive employment for the population should be one of the strategic goals that requires the constant attention of all state agencies and the private sector.
In this regard, the Government, the heads of ministries and agencies, and leadership of the local executive authorities are obligated to mobilize all available resources to create more than 1.4 million new jobs across all sectors of the national economy in the next five years.
Additionally, in the next two years there should be fully reopen enterprises that have ceased operations and to inform the government about the taken measures in this regard.
Training of highly qualified specialists from among the younger generation and providing them with jobs is one of the important issues.
Therefore, the Ministries of Labor, Migration and Employment, Economic Development and Trade, Education and Science, the Committee on Primary and Secondary Vocational Education, and other relevant ministries and agencies should develop and implement a draft med-term program for training qualified personnel from the young generation for the country's economic sectors.
Over the years of independence, there have been established adult education centers across cities and districts of the country, where today more than 700 thousand citizens are trained in various professions, crafts, and foreign languages.
In this period more than 1 million and 100 thousand citizens have been accepted to the primary vocational education institutions and adult education centers in order to receive professional as well as foreign languages qualification.
Additionally to date there are 80 thousand citizens in 54 adult education institutes engaged in professional trainings.
During the last year only there were commissioned 4 vocational training, services, and skills development centers which are aimed at providing citizens with professions and relevant international certificates.
Currently 2 more such centers being built, which will be commissioned next year.
These centers could provide 8 thousand citizens with vocational training and foreign language courses per year.
This process must be enhanced considering the annual increase in the working-age population of the country.
In order to improve the population's qualifications and increase workforce competitiveness, the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Employment, together with local executive authorities, is ordered to ensure the establishment of skills development centers in all populated cities and districts of the country.
Trainings in these centers should meet international standards, with at least 120 thousand citizens involved annually.
In addition, the Committee on Primary and Secondary Vocational Education must train up to 210 thousand experts in various professions over the next five years in primary and secondary vocational education institutions.
In other words, more than 1 million citizens must participate in vocational, craft, and language training over the next five years in all of the above-mentioned institutions.
Considering contemporary circumstances, the Ministries of Labor, Migration and Employment, Foreign Affairs, and Economic Development and Trade must take effective measures to diversify migration and address existing problems in a timely manner.
Distinguished Deputies!
Increasing the sense of patriotism, honoring the native language, history, culture, and civilization in the hearts of the younger population - the main driving force of society, and strengthening their position in society is one of the most important tasks of the State and Government.
Youth is the most active segment of population and the successor of the older generation, and it is they who will be responsible for the future of the country.
We are proud that our young generation feels sincere loyalty to the Motherland, honors national values, and supports the policy the State and Government with a high sense of patriotism, dignity, and self-consciousness.
We are optimistic for the young generation of Tajikistan, and we will continue supporting their creative initiatives in every possible way and always appreciate their efforts to develop and strengthen our national statehood.
Currently, 61 percent of those working in the country are young people.
This figure in the civil service is 49 percent.
We will continue to pay attention to youth as a reliable force and a stable foundation, since the future of the nation and the state depends on them.
At the same time, the modern, turbulent and contradictory world compels the country's youth to always be aware of the rapid changes on the planet, to protect themselves and their peers from the influence of radical, extremist ideology and superstitions, and to always be ready to defend the independence and freedom of their homeland, peace and tranquility, political stability and national unity.
In this regard, I once again emphasize that superstition is ignorance, and ignorance brings only misfortune to society.
I believe that our patriotic youth will continue to strive for the development of science and innovation and further strengthen the reputation of our country in the international arena with their modern knowledge and skills.
In order to ensure the health of the population, especially the younger generation, promote healthy lifestyles, and represent the state and the nation on the international stage, we also support the sport sector as an important element of statehood.
For this purpose, over 10 thousand sports facilities have been built during the years of independence, which is tens of times more than during the 70 years of the previous system.
The issue of facilities’ maintenance should always be the focus of attention of city and district leaders, as well as sports sphere officials.
We are proud that our proposal on declaring World Football Day was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly through a special resolution, as well as honored of the achievements of Tajik athletes at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.
Additionally, gaining an international status of Tajik national wrestling - Gushtingiri is also a matter of great pride and honor, and at the same time, a high responsibility to its wider promotion both at home and in other countries around the world.
Dear compatriots!
In our, Tajik culture and traditions, respect for woman – mother occupies a particular place.
However, it should be noted that the status of women and their role in the construction of modern state and development of modern society has really increased during the independence period.
Currently, 25 percent of civil servants, 73 percent of education workers, 71 percent of health workers, 47 percent of cultural workers, 37 percent of scientists and 30 percent of entrepreneurs in the country are women.
Today, more than 110 thousand women are engaged in entrepreneurial activity in the country.
Over the years of independence, more than 280 thousand girls have graduated from higher educational institutions, that is, received higher education.
Since the introduction of the presidential quota, that is, over the past 28 years, 11 thousand and 6 hundred girls have graduated from higher educational institutions under the presidential quota.
In addition, more than 35 thousand girls and women have graduated from higher educational institutions abroad and received an education.
Currently, out of 214 thousand students in higher professional education institutions in the country, 90 thousand, or 42 %, are girls.
We are fully confident in the determination and responsibility of Tajik women and girls as a great force in society, and we will continue to provide them with full support.
This year I held a special meeting with the activists, representatives of society and religious workers of the country, and frankly expressed my views in details regarding the important issues of social life.
I particularly voiced my reflections during this meeting on the substance, necessity and benefits of adopting the national laws – “About streamlining of celebrations and ceremonies in the Republic of Tajikistan” and “About responsibility for the education and upbringing of children”.
I believe that our dear women, mothers and girls will further make valuable contribution to the implementation of requirements and provisions of the national laws, preventing alienation, including clothing and rituals alien to our people, upbringing healthy generations, strengthening peace and stability in the society, progress of state and prosperity of the Motherland.
Since they are those who revive, preserve, promote and honor our people’s best ancient and genuine national customs, traditions and ceremonies.
Dear participants!
The term of mandate of the Majlisi milli and Majlisi namoyandagon Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan (sixth convocation) is coming to an end.
I express my gratitude to the members of the Majlisi milli and deputies of the Majlisi namoyandagon for their fruitful activity.
According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan dated December 4, 2024, the elections of the deputies of the Majlisi namoyandagon and local parliamentary assemblies have been set for March 2, 2025.
The upcoming elections must be held in line with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Tajikistan transparently, freely and at a proper level where voters will elect their worthy candidates.
In this regard, I emphasize that the sustainable socio-economic development of the country, political stability and tranquility of the people of Tajikistan depends from ensuring of national security.
That is, ensuring the security of the state and society in modern conditions is necessary and has priority importance.
To achieve this goal the Government of the country and relevant ministries and agencies is taking all measures.
In particular, priority attention will continue to be given to training specialists for law enforcement agencies and military structures that meet the requirements of modern conditions, increasing their level of professionalism and skill, as well as strengthening the material and technical base of military units and law enforcement agencies.
In this context, the fight against terrorism and extremism are considered as a priority area as these phenomena have turned into the global threat and now alarming the whole humanity.
Given these circumstances, in May 2018 with the initiative of Tajikistan and in cooperation with the United Nations and other organizations and countries there was held a High-Level International Conference entitled “Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism” that was recognized as the “Dushanbe Counter-Terrorism Process”.
In this gathering, Tajikistan expressed its firm position on establishing comprehensive and coordinated international cooperation.
Since the concerted action at the international and regional scale will facilitate the creation of a reliable mechanism of joint fight against security threats.
Dear participants!
Alarming situation and complex processes in various regions of the world that entail political and economic crisis consequences are of particular concern.
Moreover, international community is still on the path of seeking appropriate ways of addressing global threats related to climate change.
In view of these factors, we need upon advancing our foreign policy to bolster our efforts together with the world community in order to reach constructive goals for securing peace, stability and expanding multifaceted cooperation.
Active participation in the world processes on addressing topical issues of humanity is among the priorities of Tajikistan’s foreign policy.
In June 2024 there was held the 3rd Dushanbe International Water Conference.
In line with such constructive actions and with the view of its proactive role in promoting the water and climate issues on the international arena, our country in cooperation with the UN will host the first High-Level International Conference on Glaciers’ Preservation in Dushanbe in 2025.
We should continue cooperation in the field of water and glaciers’ preservation, addressing of effects of climate change and reduction of natural disaster risks within the existing possibilities, and undertake necessary measures within the “Dushanbe Water Process” to enhance international cooperation.
Our country’s strategy with regard to expanding relations with the Central Asian states will be further developed on the basis of trust and confidence in order to strengthen peace, stability and ensure common progress and prosperity in the region.
Tajikistan considers the expansion of relations with the participating countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States among its foreign policy priorities.
Tajikistan relying on the “open doors” foreign policy and a three-decade cooperation experience with the countries of Europe, America, Asia, Middle East and other states expresses its willingness to continue improving wide-ranging relations with them at the bilateral level and within the multilateral formats.
To this end, we welcome the expansion of relations particularly in the fields of development of “green economy”, environmental protection, high technologies, attraction of investments and trade.
I would like to emphasize that issues related to the protection of rights and freedoms, dignity and interests of citizens of Tajikistan residing abroad are among the priority tasks of the state.
Tajikistan will expand constructive and promising cooperation in the framework of international and regional organizations, including the United Nations, international financial institutions and development partners.
In this regard, our country will further enhance its relationships with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Commonwealth of Independent States, Collective Security Treaty Organization, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Economic Cooperation Organization and other structures of multilateral collaboration, and will endeavor to continue its active engagement in the world processes and various platforms of the international community.
We will further undertake necessary measures to achieve these goals and expand prospective long-term cooperation with all countries and international partners.
Distinguished members of Majlisi milli and Deputies of
Majlisi namoyandagon!
Dear compatriots!
Today's address by the Head of State highlighted Tajikistan's recent achievements, particularly in the past five years.
In addition, there were specified tasks for strengthening and amplification of those achievements, as well as elimination of difficulties and barriers existing in the life of our society and state.
I would like to emphasize with pride and satisfaction that our achievements and progress up to date are first of all the result of efforts of our country’s honorable people.
Therefore, I express appreciation to all the honorable people of the country for the collective and faithful work.
Along with this, I remind that the entire people of Tajikistan and first of all, members of the Government, people’s deputies, heads of regions, cities and districts, civil servants, intellectuals and activists of society must take more efforts to ensure the fulfilment of the set tasks and eliminate the existing deficiencies and problems.
We are obliged to exert constant efforts for the sake of progress of our independent state, prosperity of our ancestral Motherland and gradual improvement of living standard of every family in Tajikistan.
In particular, we must direct all our efforts to the implementation of the planned activities in honor of the 35th anniversary of state independence that is the prosperity of our Motherland, the progress of our state, and the further improvement of the living conditions of each family in our country.
We must remain united as always, sincerely love our Motherland, own it, have a high sense of patriotism, be proud that we are Tajiks, and always take care about our children, their happiness and peace, about the prosperity of our Motherland, nation and state.
I am completely confident in the bright future of our beloved Tajikistan.
Because I believe and am confident in unity and solidarity, national unity, patriotism, as well as in the tireless efforts of each member of society.
I know very well that with such patriotic and hardworking people, in the coming years we will realize all our good intentions and plans and turn our beloved Tajikistan into a developed, strong, and prosperous country.
On this glorious path, I wish all the honorable people of Tajikistan and all of you, dear participants, good health and success.
Taking this opportunity, I would like to sincerely congratulate all the honorable people of Tajikistan, our compatriots abroad and all of you, dear guests, on the upcoming New Year 2025.
I wish every family of the cultured and civilized Tajik people happiness, prosperity and good luck.
Thank you!