, Saturday, 22-February

International scientific and practical conference "POLITICAL SCHOOL OF THE LEADER OF THE NATION "


The Executive Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan in Khatlon region, together with the Kulob State University named after Abuabdullahi Rudaki, invites you to take part in the international scientific and practical conference “Political School of the Leader of the Nation”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, the 35th anniversary of the  Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan and the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan, which will take place on 24 april , 2024 year.



  • Political school of the Leader of the Nation - People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan: achievements, initiatives and prospects;
  • Political and practical achievements of Tajikistan over 33 years of state Independence and National Unity;
  • School of Peace of the Leader of the Nation: peaceful ways and methods of eliminating internal conflicts from the experience of Tajikistan;
  • Governance policy in Tajikistan: initiatives towards sustainable development;
  • Political parties and civil society: condition and prospects;
  • Strengthening the institution of rural management using the example of public self-organization (district committee/village committee);
  • Mechanisms for the development of the intellectual potential of society and the state: republican competitions  «Furughi subhi donoi kitob ast» (The base of wisdom is a book), «Tojikon-oinai tarikhi millat» (Tajiks are the Modal of Nations History), «Tojikiston vatani azizi man» (Tajikistan is my native country) and «Ilm furughi marifat» (Science is the base of knowledge).


  • Green economy - for the purpose of sustainable development of Tajikistan and the world;
  • Labor migration and its place in the conditions of Tajikistan and the CIS countries;
  • Tourism is a priority, accessible and guaranteed sector towards sustainable economic development;
  • Private investment and business development, organization of self-active investment funds;
  • Mechanisms of rural development and folk crafts: creative measures.


  • International initiatives of Tajikistan in the field of water and energy;
  • Ideology and the formation of national opinion as a sustainable means of resistance to external threats;
  • Legal education of citizens is the key to success in the development of society;
  • Information is a modern means of struggle: ways and methods of effective use of information.


  • Contribution of the Leader of the Nation to the development of education and science;
  • Development of general secondary, secondary and higher vocational education in the Republic of Tajikistan
  • Specialized subjects and methodologies of teaching them;
  • Preschool education and its development in the Republic of Tajikistan.


  • Industrialization of the country in the next five years is a new and stable direction of development;
  • Modern technologies for agricultural development;
  • Ensuring food security is the basis for sustainable development and a guarantee of a decent life for people.


Conference languages: Tajik, Russian and English.

Form of participation at the conference: face-to-face (presence) and virtual (online conference).

A collection of conference articles will be published. Materials published in this collection will also be posted on the website of Kulob State University named after Abuabdulloh Rudaki.

Conditions for participation in the conference. Travel expenses for participants are provided by the institution that represents them.

Until April 5, 2024, the Organizing Committee accepts articles of 3-6 pages in electronic form, the content of which corresponds to the issues discussed at the conference.

Articles are sent to the Organizing Committee at ddk-conf@kgu.tj. After receiving the material and its selection, an official invitation will be notified by e-mail from which the material was sent to the Organizing Committee.

Articles submitted after the deadline or that do not meet the requirements will not be considered. We ask authors to send articles after serious editing.


Article format – A4, font size 12 Times New Roman or Times New Roman Tj, distance between lines – 1, margins on all sides – 2 cm, maintaining equality of lines, distance between paragraphs (paragraphs) – 1.25 cm.

The title of the article is in the middle and in capital letters. Separated by one space – last name, first name and patronymic of the author (authors), name of the institution (organization).

The list of references used is given at the end of the article in alphabetical order and is separated from the main text by a blank line. In a quotation, you cannot indicate the source of the quotation, that is, when quoting in square brackets, you must indicate the literature used and its specific page []. Example: [3, p. 40], that is, literature 3, p. 40.

If the text does not correspond to the topic of the conference and does not meet these requirements, the organizing committee has the right not to recommend the article for publication.

Phones: (833-22)2-41-06, (+992)918 48 44 05, (+992)989 12 42 28, (+992)988 02 63 04

Organising Committee
